A comparative study of the Islamic model of Iran's legislative criminal policy with the inclusive authoritarian western model (from traditional Delmas Marti models)
Subject Areas : International Legal Research
seyed masod yasrebi
Seyed Hassan Hashemi
tahire, Mohamad Ali
1 - PhD Student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch
2 - Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch
3 - Doctor of Criminal Law and Criminology - Assistant Professor of Law, Birjand Azad University
Keywords: criminal policy, Delmas Marti, jurisprudential teachings, Islamic model of criminal policy, inclusive authoritarian model,
Abstract :
Field and Aims: According to the first principle of the constitution, the establishment of the ruling system in Iran is compatible with republicanism and Islamism. For this reason, policy-making in Iran, including legal criminal policy, is derived from Islamic jurisprudence and in national decision-making with the participation of the people. However, since some legal thinkers such as Mrs. Delmas Marti believe that the Islamic model of criminal policy is similar to the inclusive authoritarian model due to lack of knowledge of Islam, the Islamic model of Iran's legislative policy may be assumed to be a (more total) model.Method: The current research is applied in terms of type and purpose, and descriptive in terms of nature and method, and information was collected through document review and data collection.Finding and Conclusion: The present research aims to prove the difference between the Islamic model of legislative criminal policy and the inclusive authoritarian Western model, because the model of criminal policy in Iran is derived from the Republic and Islam and the jurisprudential and religious political system and is far from Islamic ideas. It has meaning with the inclusive authoritarian model.As a result, the inclusive authoritarian model is completely different in terms of the form of the government and the way of legislation and civil participation of individuals and social institutions, and it cannot be accepted that the Islamic model has a semantic or structural affinity with a more totalitarian model, and for this reason, the legal criminal policy model of Iran is derived from the political paradigm and discourse. It is an independent model of the Imamiyyah religion in which, in addition to guilt and deviance, other components such as Hudud, retaliation, Diyat, which have Shari'i and jurisprudential roots, play a role, and the spirit of these components is different from the more total model.
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