Cyber Security Regime in International Aviation Law
Subject Areas : International Legal ResearchHamidreza Seyedi 1 * , Seyedbagher Mirabbasi 2 , Sohrab Salahi 3
1 - PHD student in International Law, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm Branch
2 - Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor of Law, Imam Hussein University
Keywords: international responsibility, Cyber Security, Aviation Security, International Aviation Law,
Abstract :
Background and Purpose:Aviation cyber security is becoming a very serious subject. The air industry is a complex, advanced, multidimensional with an international scope industry is distinguished became its complexity among industries. One of the most important and vital issues of aviation is to ensure the accuracy of navigation systems and air traffic control, which has a direct impact on flight safety. The article is prepared to explain and evaluate the rules of cyber security regime in the field of international aviation law and the responsibility of governments and international organizations in sight of the existing rules of international responsibility plan and through this to examine the conditions and effects of each.Methodology:This article was written by descriptive-analytical method in terms of collecting library data and reviewing documents.Results:The International Cyber Security Regime is a mechanism for cooperation between governments and cause trust and security, and the protection of aviation infrastructure is a top priority for governments. The aviation industry is facing novel threats, and there are various cyber security concerns at airports and in-flight aircraft, and the need to "smarten up" airports is being seriously felt due to increased connectivity of systems and processes and protection of navigation systems. The development of security rules and regulations is one of the strategic goals of the International Civil Aviation Organization and its member countries, in order to ensure sustainable aviation security measures.
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