The Evolution of the Right to Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy for Nations In International Law with Emphasis on (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)
Subject Areas : International Legal ResearchParvin Poor saeed 1 , Peyman Hakimzade Khoei 2 *
1 - Master of International Law
2 - Professor of Public International Law , Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University Tabriz branch
Keywords: International law, Nuclear Energy, Peaceful use, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,
Abstract :
Nuclear energy has always been of interest to lawyers and politicians in two ways of military use, and peaceful use since its discovery. Not with standing the provisions of the Global Compact on the Prohibition of Local Weapons, the Inalienable Right to Economic Non Discrimination The peaceful use of nuclear energy at all Some aspects of the nuclear states and their supporters in recent decades have been addressed through legal interpretations and they have tried to make arrangements and international actions restrict the scope of this right under the pretext of preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons. One of these efforts is the Comprehensive Plan of Action Agreement which has imposed restrictions on Iran's peaceful nuclear programs and activities. The present article examines the concept of the right to peaceful use, its features and international efforts to limit it by emphasizing the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan of Action .