Studying the translation of Tamyyiz in Hossein Emadzadeh's translation of Nahj Al-Balagheh with an emphasis on Catford's theory of "Formal Changes".
Subject Areas :
Seyyed Mohammad Razi Mostafavinia
hajar heidari
Maryam Pasvar
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Qom, Qom, Iran
2 - Master’s degree in Propaganda Majoring in Haj of Al-Zahra University (Jameat Al-Zahra), Qom, Iran
3 - - Master’s degree in Political Studies of Egypt, Faculty of Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Nahj al-Balaghah, Translation, Tamyyze, Cetford, Emadzadeh ,
Abstract :
The process of translation, usually causes a number of challenges to translators when it comes to holy texts, especially Nahj al-Balaghah, which also has a literary-historical aspect. One of these challenges is the translation of structures such as "tamyyiz" in Arabic, for which there is no equivalent in the Persian language. Tamyyiz by making the noun ambiguous and then revealing the ambiguous concept, it gives it a confirming meaning, however, it is not considered as a part of the sentence. In this regard, translators find it necessary to make changes in different lexical-grammatical parts - a rule given by translation theorists - so that, in addition to the fluency of the translation, it is a measure for the acceptability of a work. One of these prominent theories in this field is the theory of J.C. Catford (1965) which is considered a standard in two general groups of lexical and grammatical changes. We have tried, in this research, to criticize the structure of tamyyiz in Nahj al-Balaghah, in Hossein Emadzadeh's translation, by relying on the framework of this theory, in a descriptive-analytical method. The conclusions of this research show that although the translation has been successful in most of the cases, according to Catford's different levels of formal changes, including lexical, grammatical and structural equivalence. However, in some passages, due to misplaced additions, and incorrect understanding of the meaning of the sentence, or its emotional-motivational aspect, a proper translation has not been done, and hence, the coherence of the passage with the preceding and the following sentences has been lost.
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