Presenting paradigmatic model of the characteristics of the Paralympic athlete's aptitude development environment
Subject Areas : Sociological studies of sportsSahar Mahmodi 1 , Rokhsareh Badami 2 *
1 - Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: environment, disabled, paradigm mode, Sport, Talent Development,
Abstract :
Objective: When it comes to identifying and developing talent in sports for athletes with disabilities, it is important to note that high-performance sports for people with disabilities are fundamentally different from those of healthy people in terms of discovering and developing new talents. Extraordinary performances and success in sports for the disabled and providing an environment for the development of talents such as non-sports for the disabled is simply not possible and the success or failure of sports depends on factors such as: economic, social and human resources in a country. The present study aimed to provide a paradigm model of the characteristics of the talent development environment of Paralympic athletes.Methodology: This research has been done in the framework of a qualitative approach and by applying the data research method of the foundation. Participants in this study were physical education and sports science specialists, Paralympic and world champion athletes and disabled sports coaches who were selected by purposive and theoretical sampling for semi-structured interviews and the interviews continued until the theoretical saturation stage. Data were analyzed simultaneously with data collection using Strauss and Corbin method. The acceptability of the data was confirmed based on 5 criteria.Results: The results show that 15 main categories and 76 subcategories in the form of 6 dimensions of the paradigm model include: 1- Causal causes including 4 categories: individual, cultural, economic and social factors; 2- The main phenomenon includes 1 category: a special approach to cultivating sports talent for the disabled; 3- Strategy includes 2 categories: management system design, process-oriented strategy; 4- Ground characteristics including 3 categories: planning, support, supportive background; 5- The intervener includes 2 categories: infrastructural factors, environmental factors; 6- Outcome includes 3 categories: successful disability, championship, development of sports abilities of the disabled; The paradigm model is the characteristics of the talent development environment of Paralympic athletes.Conclusion: The integration of categories based on the relationships between them around the axis of the talent development environment of paralympic athletes forms a paradigm model reflecting the pattern of managers involved in the talent development environment of Paralympic athletes.
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Mshelia, B. S. (2000). Nigerian women and sports: A challenge to Family Support Programme In LO. Amusa and A.L. Toriola (Eds.). Proceedings of the Third Scientific Congress of the Africa Association of Health, Physica Education, Recreation, sport and Dance (AFAHPER-SD) 1999, pp.151-1 56. Pietersburg: PJJ Sings.
Singer, R. N., & Janelle, C. M. (1999). Determining sport expertise: From genes to supremes. International Journal of Sport Psychology.
Steinhardt, F., Ullenhag, A., Jahnsen, R., & Dolva, A. S. (2021). Perceived facilitators and barriers for participation in leisure activities in children with disabilities: Perspectives of children, parents and professionals. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 28(2), 121-135.
Surya, M., Bruner, W., Macdonald,Dany, J., & Cote, J. (2012). A comparison of development activities of elite athletes born in large and small cities., Phenex Journal/ Revue Pheneps.
Taherzadeh Nooshabadi, J., Nazari, R., & Hemmati, J. (2020). Presenting the development paradigmatic model of Sport for All in Islamic Azad University. Sport Management Studies, 12(61), 85-108. (Persian)
Tan, L. S. A., & Low, F. L. (2014). Developmental practice activities of elite youth swimmers. Movement. Health & Exercise, 3, 27-37.
Vaez Mousavi, M. K, & Mosayebi, F. (2007). Sport Psychology. Tehran: samt. PP. 265-276.
Westermark, M. (2016). Talent development in female football: What characterizes a successful environment?
Yazdanparast, S., & Badami, R. (2022). Comparison of the development environment of Tennis players of different competitive and social Levels (Iranian and Foreign) in terms of training and social support. Journal of Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 1(1). (Persian)
_||_Alizadeh, A., & Cobuliev, Z. (2021). Psychological and social factors influencing the development of sports for athletes with disabilities in Tajikistan. Sport Psychology Studies (ie, mutaleat ravanshenasi varzeshi), 10(35), 19-36. (Persian)
Azam Nezami, N., Zarei, A., Tojari, F., Hamid Sadjadi Hezaveh, S., & Fourogh, H. (2022). Investigate mediating role of neighborhood environment on the impact of parental support and physical activity on children's physical activity. Journal of Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(2), 183-196. (Persian)
Baker, J., & Davids, K. (2007). Nature nurture and sport performance. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 38(1) (Special issue), 1-143.
Baker, J., & Horton, S. (2004). A review of primary and secondary influences on sport expertise. High ability studies, 15(2), 211-228.
Bronfenbrenner, U., & Morris, P. A. (2007). The bioecological model of human development. Handbook of child psychology, 1.
Bronfenbrenner, U., & Morris, P. A. (1998). The ecology of developmental processes.
Carlson, R. (1991). Vagen til landslaget [The road to the national team]. Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of Education.
Cashman, R., & Darcy, S. (2008). Benchmark games The Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games, the Australian Centre for Olympic Studies Walla Walla Press.
Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2014). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Sage publications.
Danaeifard, H., & Emami, S. M. (2007). Strategies of qualitative research: A reflection on grounded theory. Strategic Management Thought, 1(2), 69-97. (Persian)
Dieffenbach, K. D., & Statler, T. A. (2012). More similar than different: The psychological environment of Paralympic sport. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 3(2), 109-118.
Diogo, F., & Gonçalves, C. E. (2014). The path to expertise in youth sport: Using a retrospective interview in three different competitive contexts. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 118(2), 317-330.
Bailey, R. (2008). Talent identification and development: The search for sporting excellence. ICSSPE.
Ford, P. R., Bordonau, J. L. D., Bonanno, D., Tavares, J., Groenendijk, C., Fink, C., ... & Di Salvo, V. (2020). A survey of talent identification and development processes in the youth academies of professional soccer clubs from around the world. Journal of Sports Sciences, 38(11-12), 1269-1278.
Gagné, F. (2003). Transforming gifts into talents: The DMGT as a developmental theory. In N. Colangelo & GA Davis (Eds.), Handbook of gifted education.
Ghanbari, A., Khorvash, M., & Askari, A. (2021). Presenting a Qualitative Model of alignment of talent identification strategies of Iranian Sports Federations. Karafan Quarterly Scientific Journal, 18(2), 129-147. (Persian)
Ghorbani, M. H., Safari Jafarloo, H. R., & Esmaeili, M. R. (2020). Sustainable development through sport: Barriers and strategies. Sport Management Studies, 12(60), 83-102. (Persian)
Glaser, B. G. (2005). The grounded theory perspective III: Theoretical coding. Sociology Press.
Gledhill, A., Harwood, C., & Forsdyke, D. (2017). Psychosocial factors associated with talent development in football: A systematic review. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 31, 93-112.
Gulbin, J. P., Oldenziel, K. E., Weissensteiner, J. R., & Gagné, F. (2010). A look through the rear view mirror: Developmental experiences and insights of high performance athletes. Talent Development & Excellence, 2(2), 149-164.
Henriksen, K., Stambulova, N., & Roessler, K. K. (2010). Holistic approach to athletic talent development environments: A successful sailing milieu. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 11(3), 212-222.
Hopwood, M. J., Baker, J., MacMahon, C., & Farrow, D. (2012). Faster, Higher, Stronger… and Younger? Birth Order, Sibling Sport Participation, and Sport Expertise. In North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii (June 2012), Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (Vol. 34, p. S235).
Hossein, Z., Honari, Z., & Ghafouri, F. (2019). Identification the factors affecting the sports migration of Elite Iranian Athletes. Organizational Behavior Management in Sport Studies, 7(25), 95-109. (Persian)
Hüttermann, S., Memmert, D., & Baker, J. (2014). Understanding the microstructure of practice: Training differences between various age classes, expertise levels and sports. Talent Development and Excellence, 6(2), 17-29.
Kalani, A., Elahi, A., Sajjadi, S. N., & Zareian, H. (2020). Developing a comprehensive model of identify talent in Iranian championship sport. Research on Educational Sport, 8(20), 33-50. (Persian)
Lemez, S., Dehghansai, N., Wattie, N., & Baker, J. (2017). A systematic review of influences on development of athletes with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 34, 72 -90.
Martindale, R. J., Collins, D., & Abraham, A. (2007). Effective talent development: The elite coach perspective in UK sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19(2), 187-206.
Martindale, R. J., Collins, D., & Daubney, J. (2005). Talent development: A guide for practice and research within sport. Quest, 57(4), 353-375.
Massey, W. V., & Whitley, M. A. (2020). The talent paradox: Disenchantment, disengagement, and damage through sport. Sociology of Sport Journal, 38(2), 167-177.
Mohammadpour, A. (2009). Qualitative data analysis: Models and procedures. (Persian)
Mshelia, B. S. (2000). Nigerian women and sports: A challenge to Family Support Programme In LO. Amusa and A.L. Toriola (Eds.). Proceedings of the Third Scientific Congress of the Africa Association of Health, Physica Education, Recreation, sport and Dance (AFAHPER-SD) 1999, pp.151-1 56. Pietersburg: PJJ Sings.
Singer, R. N., & Janelle, C. M. (1999). Determining sport expertise: From genes to supremes. International Journal of Sport Psychology.
Steinhardt, F., Ullenhag, A., Jahnsen, R., & Dolva, A. S. (2021). Perceived facilitators and barriers for participation in leisure activities in children with disabilities: Perspectives of children, parents and professionals. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 28(2), 121-135.
Surya, M., Bruner, W., Macdonald,Dany, J., & Cote, J. (2012). A comparison of development activities of elite athletes born in large and small cities., Phenex Journal/ Revue Pheneps.
Taherzadeh Nooshabadi, J., Nazari, R., & Hemmati, J. (2020). Presenting the development paradigmatic model of Sport for All in Islamic Azad University. Sport Management Studies, 12(61), 85-108. (Persian)
Tan, L. S. A., & Low, F. L. (2014). Developmental practice activities of elite youth swimmers. Movement. Health & Exercise, 3, 27-37.
Vaez Mousavi, M. K, & Mosayebi, F. (2007). Sport Psychology. Tehran: samt. PP. 265-276.
Westermark, M. (2016). Talent development in female football: What characterizes a successful environment?
Yazdanparast, S., & Badami, R. (2022). Comparison of the development environment of Tennis players of different competitive and social Levels (Iranian and Foreign) in terms of training and social support. Journal of Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 1(1). (Persian)