Designing a sociological model for the development of the range of sports tourism in the northwest of the country
Subject Areas : Sociological studies of sports
farid pourbeirami hir
Mehrdad Moharamzade
Masoud Imanzadeh
Simin Esgandari Dastgiri
1 - 1. PhD Student in Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
2 - Professor of Sports Management, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili , Ardabil, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education. Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, , Ardabil, Iran.
Keywords: sports tourism, Keywords: range development, destination chain,
Abstract :
Objective : The purpose o f this research was t o designing a sociological model for the development of the range of sports tourism in the northwest o f the country . Methodology : The research method was descriptive - correlation type. The statistical population o f the research was manager s and employees o f touri sm institution s in the northwest o f the country . Estimation of the statistical sample t o a sufficient number based o n each item , 10 people were randomly selected . Therefore , 1 30 peop le were estimated t o have 10 times the number o f variable questions with the highest number o f 1 3 question s in the variable ( building the capacity o f the chain o f sports tourism destinations ) . Ten scientific and executive experts were asked t o evaluate content validity . Then, the combined reliability and validity o f the structure was checked and confirmed in the final stage using PLS software .Results : The result s of the factor analysis o f the construct s o f each o f the nine main variable s showed that all the component s have a significant explanatory role . The path analysis also showed that the relationship s between the nine main variable s i n a sequence from independent variable s t o dependent variable s are positive and significant, and the conceptual model has a good fit .Conclu sion : Based o n the find ing s o f the research, the current developed model can create a tremendou s change i n sport s tourism in the northwest o f the country, and i t is necessary for the interested and relevant official s t o develop physical, ecological, social, and political capacitie s for the development and development o f sport s tourism . and economic and include them in the plan s and provide tourism destination s with main and support ing services f or perfect and enjoyable delivery t o sports tourist s .