Designing a physical education teacher training model: based on the sociological approach of Iranian sports
Subject Areas : Sociological studies of sports
Seied Hashem Borgheie
Elham Moshkelgosha
Ahmad reza Askari
1 - Department of physical education, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Department of physical education, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Isfahan, Iran
3 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد مبارکه
Keywords: Education, empowerment, physical education teacher training, sociological approach,
Abstract :
Objective: One of the most important factors affecting the future improvement and sustainable development of public sports and championships in any country is the presence of capable and updated sports teachers. The purpose of this research was to compile a sociological model of physical education teacher training in Iran.Methodology: This research was exploratory in the framework of a qualitative approach and using the data base research method. The statistical sample was selected in a purposeful and theoretical way for a semi-structured interview. After interviewing 15 people, theoretical saturation was achieved. Data were analyzed simultaneously with data collection using the Strauss and Corbin (2011) method.Findings: The findings of the research showed that out of 139 initial conceptual codes, 102 final concepts and 35 main subcategories in the six dimensions of the paradigm model including causal conditions, main phenomenon, strategies, intervening conditions, contextual conditions and consequences of the comprehensive model of teacher training. They formed a body. The integration of categories based on the relationships between them forms a paradigm model derived from qualitative research.Results: The use of this model in education helps to develop educational sports, improve the process of elitism in sports, reduce weaknesses and increase the capabilities of physical education teachers, sustainable development of sports, and improve the status of sports talent in schools.
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