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    1 - The Effects of Controlled Drainage on the Cane Crops: The study of Emam Khomeini’s Industry and Plant Farms of cane
    Journal of Water Science & Engineering , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2012
    Holding up the phreatic surface near by the plant root zone to effective use of water and provide themoisture on the root zone is a usual method, which uses for several decades by researchers. In thisstudy, we investigate the possibility of controlled drainage method in More
    Holding up the phreatic surface near by the plant root zone to effective use of water and provide themoisture on the root zone is a usual method, which uses for several decades by researchers. In thisstudy, we investigate the possibility of controlled drainage method in dry and half-dryzone (i.e., theclimate of the center and south of the Khuzestan state) on thecane plant. The results showedthat thesalinity of free care soil at the layer (0-30)cm in size 1.3 dz rather than the same layer at the controlledcare had increased. The changes of salinity on the other layers for two cares arelow. In order to wateruse, the test care use 38percent lower than the free care and the efficiency of water in test care is41.3percent more than the free care. In order to water period, the test care was 33 percent lower thanthe free care. According to input salt, the test care is lower than the free care, equal to 36percent.According to output salt of the drainages, the test care was lower than the free care, equal to53percent. The crop quantity performance of the test care was more than the free care in rate of8.66percent;on the crop,quality performance of the test care on the rate of syrup weight for caneweight was (EX) 15.9percent. On the rate of exist sugar in syrup (POL) 6.01 percent, and on the rateof solvable solid elements in syrup (Brix) 5.24percent, and on the level of syrup candor or the rate ofpure syrup, has 0.8percent more than the free care. Manuscript profile