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    List of Articles امید محمدپور

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    1 - Evaluation of plasma changes of hepcidin, total sialic acid and sphingosine 1 phosphate in buffaloes with hepatic hydatidosis
    Journal of Basic and Clinical Veterinary Medicine , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn_Winter 2024
    The aim of this study was to evaluate plasma changes in hepcidin, total sialic acid (TSA) and sphingosine 1 phosphate (S1P) in buffalos with hydatidosis in the city of Urmia. Hydatidosis is a zoonotic disease that can be very dangerous in humans and even cause death to More
    The aim of this study was to evaluate plasma changes in hepcidin, total sialic acid (TSA) and sphingosine 1 phosphate (S1P) in buffalos with hydatidosis in the city of Urmia. Hydatidosis is a zoonotic disease that can be very dangerous in humans and even cause death to humans and animals. In this study, the samples were taken from 40 cases of buffalos that suffered from hydatidosis, especially the liver form of the disease, and also 40 buffaloes without hydatidosis all taken from Urmia slaughterhouse. After the separation of plasma samples, the mentioned parameters were measured and analyzed statistically using SPSS version 17. The results indicated a significant increase P<0.05 in all mentioned parameters compared to the healthy group. Based on the above result, it can be noted that hydatidosis causes changes in plasma levels of some parameters. Interpreting some of the parameters would help us come to a better understanding of the complications of the disease. Furthermore, focusing on these parameters along with other plasma parameters would help practitioners in the paraclinical diagnosis of buffalo’s hydatidosis. Manuscript profile

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    2 - A survey on cattle hard ticks fauna in Maragheh city, Iran
    Journal of Basic and Clinical Veterinary Medicine , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn_Winter 2024
    Ticks are the most important ectoparasites which inflict heavy economic losses to livestock and transmit viral, rickettsia, bacterial and protozoal diseases. Ixodidae family is one of the most great tick family of domestic animals. So far, 13 different kinds and 650 spe More
    Ticks are the most important ectoparasites which inflict heavy economic losses to livestock and transmit viral, rickettsia, bacterial and protozoal diseases. Ixodidae family is one of the most great tick family of domestic animals. So far, 13 different kinds and 650 species in five subgroups have been reported. The aim of this research is to assess quantitatively the extent of cattle infestations to these different ticks and also to identify the diversity of the species found in Maragheh. In this survey, carried out throughout fall 2015 to the end of summer 2016, a total number of 328 ticks were collected and identified including 224 Hyalomma spp. (68.30%), Rhipicephalus spp. 98 (29.88%), Dermacentor spp. 3 (0.91%) and Boophilus spp. 3 (0.91%) as the minimum infestation rate. From seasonal infestation prevalence aspect, in spring, 168 ticks, in summer 89 ticks and in autumn and winter 45 and 26 ticks were respectively, found on the cattle. Maximum infestation of cattle in summer and minimum in winter were observed. The maximum rate of the found ticks was observed in groin and the minimum was observed in testicle surfaces. Manuscript profile

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    3 - A survey of parasitic infection of ornamental fishes in Urmia, Iran
    Journal of Basic and Clinical Veterinary Medicine , Issue 1 , Year , Spring_Summer 2024
    Nowadays, ornamental fish are considered to be of value in most countries due to their beauty and variety. The living, beautiful and lively environment of aquariums has made people to be interested in having an aquarium, however small in size, at their home or work. The More
    Nowadays, ornamental fish are considered to be of value in most countries due to their beauty and variety. The living, beautiful and lively environment of aquariums has made people to be interested in having an aquarium, however small in size, at their home or work. The main aim of this study is to identify the parasitic elements in ornamental fish (92 Goldfish , 32 Oscar fish, 18 Flower fish, 24 Arvana fish, and 41 Discus fish) that are culled from fish breeding centers in Urmia. Classification of the fish was carried out based on their morphological characteristics. The results of the study indicate the presence of parasitic infection of these fish in four protozoan species including Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Trichodina spp, chilodonella spp and Hexamita spp. Also, Diplostomum spataceum, Dactylogyrus spp and Gyrodactylus spp were observed from monogenea and digenea trematodes and lernaea spp from crustose parasites. Manuscript profile

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    4 - Zinc deficiency in sheep flock in Kerman suburb-Iran: a clinicopathologic study of four cases with a review of literature
    Journal of Basic and Clinical Veterinary Medicine , Issue 1 , Year , Spring_Summer 2024
    Primary zinc deficiency is not common in ruminants, but its occurrence has been documented. This study was conducted on a flock of 45 Kermani sheep during February 2022 to June 2022. The signs of alopecia, pityriasis, infertility, growth retardation, weakness, anorexia, More
    Primary zinc deficiency is not common in ruminants, but its occurrence has been documented. This study was conducted on a flock of 45 Kermani sheep during February 2022 to June 2022. The signs of alopecia, pityriasis, infertility, growth retardation, weakness, anorexia, itching, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, and increased risk of infection, which was suspected of zinc deficiency, were observed in 4 sheep. The heart rate, respiration rate, body temperature, and blood indices including PCV, total and differential white blood cell count, and red blood cell count were measured. Hematology results indicated a significant increase in white blood cells in affected sheep. The achieved biopsied cutaneous tissues of the sheep with skin lesions, were stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin method. Pathologically, the parakeratosis was observed in cornified squamous epithelium and therefore zinc deficiency was confirmed. The treatment strategy included oral zinc sulfate tablets with a dose of 250 mg per day for 4 weeks and the use of mineral bricks to continue the treatment process. After 10 weeks, signs of recovery appeared. Manuscript profile

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    5 - میزان شیوع بیماری کریپتوسپوریدیوزیس در سگ های ارجاعی به بیمارستان های دامپزشکی استان البرز
    journal of veterinary clinical research , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn 2021
    کریپتوسپوریدیوم انگل های کوچک کوکسیدیایی هستند که به سلولهای اپی تلیال گوارشی و تنفسی مهره داران حمله می کنند. انگل داخل سلولی و خارج سیتوپلاسمی بوده و عامل اسهال های خود محدود کننده در حیوانات می باشند. میزبان اختصاصی برای انگل وجود ندارد و در دام های مختلف مشاهده می ش More
    کریپتوسپوریدیوم انگل های کوچک کوکسیدیایی هستند که به سلولهای اپی تلیال گوارشی و تنفسی مهره داران حمله می کنند. انگل داخل سلولی و خارج سیتوپلاسمی بوده و عامل اسهال های خود محدود کننده در حیوانات می باشند. میزبان اختصاصی برای انگل وجود ندارد و در دام های مختلف مشاهده می شود. در این بررسی سعی بر آن شده است تا میزان شیوع عفونت در سگ های ارجاعی به بیمارستان های دامپزشکی استان البرز مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. طی این بررسی تعداد 112 نمونه مدفوع از سگ های ارجاعی به بخش داخلی بیمارستان های دامپزشکی شهرستان کرج در استان البرز جمع آوری و به روش رنگ آمیزی ذیل نیلسون تغییر یافته مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت که از این تعداد 3 نمونه مدفوع از سگ های زیر 12 ماه از لحاظ دفع اووسیست مثبت گزارش گردید همچنین 2 نمونه مدفوع از سگ های بین 1 الی 2 سال،1 نمونه مدفوع از سگ های بین 2 الی 3 سال و 1 نمونه مدفوع از سگ های بین 3 الی 4 سال از لحاظ دفع اووسیت مشاهده گردید.از نظر آماری رابطه معنی داری بین میزان آلودگی و سن مشاهده گردید (P0.05).کلمات کلیدی : کریپتوسپوریدیوم ،سگ، نقص سیستم ایمنی ، اسهال Manuscript profile