List of Articles F. Moradian

  • Article

    1 - Genetic Transformation of Amylase Gene to Ruminal <i>Bacteroides</i> Species Using Conjugation Consequence for Improvement of Rumen Enzyme
    Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2016
    Rumen bacterial strains can potentially be manipulated to perform functions different from wild type species. The most numerous species of bacteria in the rumen and gut are species of the familyBacteroidetes, whichcan have the potential for genetic modification for enzy More
    Rumen bacterial strains can potentially be manipulated to perform functions different from wild type species. The most numerous species of bacteria in the rumen and gut are species of the familyBacteroidetes, whichcan have the potential for genetic modification for enzyme production. One of the genetic manipulation of rumen bacteria can perform for production of starch digestive enzyme for the enhancement of nutrient flow to the rumen. In this study, Bacteroides species were isolated from rumen of cows. The 16S rRNA gene analysis was used to confirm the classification of the Bacteroides species. The amylase gene from Bacillus spp. was cloned into expression vector pET28A and then subcloned in Escherichia coli-Bacteroides pGFK114.1 shuttle vector. Conjugation between Escherichia coli and a Bacteroides strainwas accomplished with two Escherichia coli donors containing pGFK114.1 and pRK231 and one Bacteroides strain as a recipient. Transfer of amylase gene by vector was confirmed using a marker cefoxcitin antibiotic resistant gene. The amylase activity assay showed that successful expression of enzyme occurred in ruminal Bacteroides species. Manuscript profile