Investigating the Effects of Using Smart Services on Tourists’ Urban Experience: A Case Study of Tehran
Subject Areas :
yazdan Shirmohammadi
Hamide Qousian
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Commerce Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master of Marketing Management, Department of Marketing, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: tourism, urban space, voice guidance, perception of usefulness, attitude of behavior,
Abstract :
Today, the desire and passion for virtual travel and virtual tours have expanded while tourism applications and audio guides playing a crucial role in facilitating these experiences. Audio guides, as smart tourism tools, are very important for the interpretation of tourism. Proper use of these applications and examining their impact on customer attitudes and buying behavior have become major concerns for tourism industry managers and researchers. The present study aims to address these issues. The research is applied in orientation and survey-based in method. The statistical population includes users of the Avayar application, and due to the lack of access to all users, the population size was considered unlimited. SPSS and PLS software were used for data analysis. The results indicated that the use of smart services has a positive and significant effect on the experience of tourists in urban spaces. Furthermore, the researchers found that when an application is usable for individuals with different skill levels, it can be recognized as a useful and practical tool that aids tourists in their trips.
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