An Analysis of the Barriers to the Development of Child and Family Tourism in Ahvaz Metropolis
Subject Areas :
Majid Goodarzi
Zahra Soltani
Masoumeh Sharifpour
1 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - MA Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic University of Ahvaz Branch, Ahvaz, Iran
Received: 2022-08-12
Accepted : 2022-10-09
Published : 2022-11-22
Ahvaz metropolis,
child and family tourism,
the utility of urban space,
Abstract :
The significance of the attitude towards child and family tourism is due to the fact that it is associated with the fundamental therapies and ethical principles that underlie the growth and development of the modern collective tourism system and distinguishes tourism as a positive consumption activity in modern societies. Social tourism analysts have cited various structural inequalities in access to travel opportunities that have traditionally been overlooked by tourism researchers, highlighting the concept of "citizenship rights" for tourism and highlighting its role in tackling social exclusion. For this purpose, the present study aims to investigate and analyze the barriers to development of child and family tourism in Ahvaz. The general approach of this research is descriptive-analytical and survey. The results show that managerial dimensions، socio-cultural security technological and environmental dimensions respectively have the greatest contribution to the urban space undesirability of Ahvaz in the development of child and family tourism. Also, in the factor analysis it was shown that the "socio - cultural" factor with the coefficient of 0.371 was the most significant one while the environmental factor with the coefficient of -0.021 was the least significant one among the factors of child and family tourism development in Ahvaz metropolis.
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