Providing a Model for Measuring Tourist Satisfaction with the Services of Local Food Restaurants (A Case Study of Local Food Restaurants in Tehran)
Subject Areas :
1 - PhD student of tourism management, Management and accounting faculty, Allameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Customer Expectations, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, restaurant industry, behavioral intentions, culinary tourism,
Abstract :
Today, tourism destinations must provide tourists with high quality services and unique components in order to satisfy their needs and provide them with satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting foreign tourists' satisfaction with Persian food restaurants and to show the results through an applied model. This research is applied in terms of its purpose and a mixed method has been used to develop it. First, information from relevant scientific sources was collected and factors influencing customer satisfaction with restaurant services identified using Meta synthesis quality method. After distributing 223 questionnaires among the statistical sample and collecting them the necessary information was collected and analyzed using the factor analysis method and structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate and validate the designed model using LISREL software. The results of the study show that The quality of services including the quality of food and drink, empathy, guarantee, physical dimension, atmosphere, assurance and cultural dimensions have the greatest impact on the satisfaction of foreign tourists and their behavioral intentions, especially the willingness to revisit the restaurants.
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