The Effect of Culture on Brand Loyalty Mediated by the Role of Brand Performance and Brand Identity
(A Case Study of Five-star Hotels in Mashhad)
Subject Areas :
Amir Ghafourian Shagerdi
Sepideh Shirvani Moghaddam
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Imam Reza International University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - M.A. in Business Management at Hakim Nezami Higher Education Institute, Quchan, Iran.
Received: 2021-09-23
Accepted : 2021-11-06
Published : 2021-11-22
brand loyalty,
Brand Personality,
Brand Performance,
five- star hotels in Mashhad,
Abstract :
Today, special attention has been paid to brands and their impact on companies and organizations. Service units such as hotels are no exception. Studies have shown that the customers’ culture plays a significant role in their size and loyalty to brands. Therefore, this study examines the effect of culture on brand loyalty mediated by the role of brand performance and brand identity among five-star hotels in Mashhad. The research method is descriptive and co-relational. In this study, the type of research is applied based on the purpose, and because this research explains the existing variables and the relationship between them; therefore, the research is an analytical-analytical one. The statistical population of this study included the customers of five-star hotels in Mashhad. The non-random sampling method was used in the study based on which 280 customers were selected as the samples of the present research. The data collection tool was the Anorlo and Yuka standard questionnaire (2017) the validity of which was confirmed by the experts and its reliability was proved by the Chronbach alpha test. In order to analyze the data, the minimum partial square (PLS) method was used using smart PLS 2. The results show that brand personality has a positive and significant effect on brand performance; culture has a positive and significant effect on brand performance; culture has a positive and significant effect on brand personality; brand performance has a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty and brand personality loyalty has a positive and significant effect on the brand.
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