A Non-Isolated High Step-Up Soft-Switching Converter with Coupled-Inductor
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Jalil Jalili
Sayyed Mohammad Mehdi Mirtalaei
Mohamad Reza Mohammadi
Behrooz Majidi
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
3 - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering- University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
4 - Smart Microgrid Research Center- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Converter, soft switching, high step-up, non-isolated,
Abstract :
In this paper, a non-isolated high step-up soft-switching converter is proposed. The proposed converter is a boost converter combined with two voltage multiplier cells for boosting output voltage. Also, extend voltage gain of the proposed converter is achieved by using a coupled-inductor. Compare with other similar high step-up topologies with the same number of components, the proposed converter has a higher voltage gain and higher efficiency. An active clamp circuit is used so, the zero-voltage switching (ZVS) is achieved. Also, in the proposed converter, the voltage stresses on the switches are low. As the voltage stress decreases on the switch, Ron of the MOSFET is deceased and as a result conduction loss of the switch is decreased. So, the efficiency of this converter increased. In this paper, operational principle of the converter is described and the analytical, simulated results and prototype converters are validated using a 20V input and 400V output converter at 200W load.
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