Manuscript ID : EJMP-1505-1009 (R2)
Visit : 216
Page: 58 - 68
Article Type:
Original Research
Essential oil compounds, antibacterial property and antioxidant activity of different ecotypes of Nigella sativa L. in different habitats of Iran
Subject Areas :
Environmental ecology
ندا محمد ده چشمه
عبدالله قاسمی پیربلوطی
بهزاد آقابراری
بهزاد حامدی
1 - دانشگاه آزاد شهر کرد
2 - دانشگاه آزاد شهر کرد
3 - پژوهشکده فناوری نانو و مواد پیشرفته، پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
4 - دانشگاه آزاد شهر کرد
Received: 2015-05-31
Accepted : 2022-09-06
Published : 2016-02-20
Adams, R.P. 1984. Dynorphin reduces voltage-dependent calcium conductance of mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuropept, 253-256.
Al-Jaber, S., Al-Akloby, O.M., Al-Qurashi, A.R., Akhtar, N., Al-Dossary, A. and Randhawa, M.A. Thymoquinone, an active principle of Nigella sativa, inhibited Aspergillus niger. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, 42 (3): 56-71.
Bayrak, O., Bavbek, N., Karatas, O.F., Bayrak, R., Catal, F., Cimentepe, E., Akbas, A., Yildirim, E., Unal, D. and Akcay, A. 2008. Nigella sativa protects against, ischaemia reperfusion injury in rat kidneys. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 23 (7): 2206-2212.
Bourgou, S., Pichette, A., Marzouk, B. and Legault, J. 2010. Bioactivities of black cumin essential oil and its main terpenes from Tunisia. South African Journal of Botany, 76 (2): 210-216.
Burits, M. and Bucar, F. 2000. Antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa essential oil. Phytotherapy Research, 14 (5): 323-328.
Cemek, M., Enginar, H., Karaca, T. and Unak, P. 2006. In vivo radio protective effects of Nigella sativa oil and reduced glutathione against irradiation-induced oxidative injury and number of peripheral blood lymphocytes in rats. Photochemical Photobiology, 82(6): 1691-1696.
Chaieb, K., Kouidhi, B., Jrah,, Mahdouani, K. and Bakhrouf, A. 2011. Antibacterial activity of Thymoquinone, an active principle of Nigella sativa and its potency to prevent bacterial biofilm formation BMC Complement. Alternative Medicine, 13: 11-29.
Cristani, M., Darrigo, M. and Mandalari, G. 2007. Interaction of four monoterpens contained in essential oil with model membranes: implications for their antibacterial activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54: 18-4.
Fani, B. 2008. The relationship between water and soil, and crops of buckwheat. University of Mashhad.18 p. (In Persian).
Faravani, M., Razavi, S.A. and Farsi, M. 2006. In some agronomic traits and anatomical variation in local mass Nigella. Khorasan. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 22 (3): 197-193. (In Persian).
Gaworan, M., Sahin, F., Sokmen, M., Ozer, H., Daferera, D., Sokmen, A., Polissiou, M., Adiguzel, A. and Ozkan, H. 2012. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the essential oils and methanol extract from Nigella sativa Food Chemistry, 234: 49-56.
Geng, D., Zhang, S. and Lan, J. 2009. Analysis on chemical components of volatile oil and determination of thymoquinone from seed of Nigella glandulifera. China Journal of Chinese materia medica, 34 (22): 2887-2890.
Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (identifying and studying their effects). Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University Press, 541 p. (In Persian).
Gholamzade, M., Hossine, H., Askandari, S., Hossine, A. and Gholamzade, H. 2012. Study the effects of antioxidant extracts of black cumin, caraway and integrate them chemical changes and sensory properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Journal of Food Hygiene, 4(3): 22-11. (In Persian).
Goreja, W.G. 2003. Black Seed: Nature’s Miracle Remedy. New York, NY7 Amazing Herbs Press. pp: 46.
Halavani, E. 2009. Antibacterial activity of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone of Nigella sativa and their interaction with some antibiotics. Advances in Biological Research. 3 (5-6): 148-152.
Hannan, A., Saleem, S., Chaudhary, S., Barkaat, M. and Arshad, M.U. 2008. Anti-bacterial activity of Nigella sativa against clinical isolates of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 20(3): 72-74.
Khan, M.A., Ashfaq, M.K., Zuberi, H.S., Mahmood, M.S. and Gilani, A.H. 2003. The in vivo antifungal activity of the aqueous extract from Nigella sativa Phytotherapy Research,17: 183-186.
Kouidhi, B., Zmantar, T., Jrah, H., Souiden, Y., Chaieb, K. and Mahdouani, K. 2011. Antibacterial and resistance-modifying activities of thymoquinone against oral pathogens. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 27: 10-29.
Lopes-Lutz, D., Alviano, D.S., Alviano, C.S. and Kolodziejcyk, P.P. 2008. The cardiovascular actions of the volatile oil of the black seed (Nigella sativa) in rats: Elucidation of the mechanism of action. General Pharmacology, 24: 1123-1131.
Morikawa, T., Xu, F., Kashima, Y., Matsuda, H., Ninomiya, K. and Yoshikawa, M. 2004. Novel dolabellanetype diterpene alkaloids with lipid metabolism promoting activities from the seeds of Nigella sativa. Organic Letters, 6: 869-872.
Morsi, N.M. 2000. Antimicrobial effect of crude extracts of Nigella sativa on multiple antibiotics resistant bacteria. Acta Microbiologica Polonica, 49:63-74.
Nickavar, B., Mojab, F., Javidnia, K. and Amoli, M.A. 2003. Chemical composition of the fixed and volatile oils of Nigella sativa from Iran. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, 58: 629-631.
Oroojalian, F., Kasra-Kermanshahi, R., Azizi, M. and Bassami, M.R. 2010. Phytochemical composition of the essential oils from three Apiaceae species and their antibacterial effects on foodborne pathogens. Food Chemistry, 120 (3):765-770.
Othman, M., Hafedh, H., Fethi, B.N., Emira, N., Mejdi, S. and Amina, B. 2010. Antinociceptive effects of Nigeflla sativa oil and its major component, thymoquinone, in mice. European Journal of Pharmacology, 400: 89-97.
Parvardeh, S. and Hosseinzadeh, H. 2007. Anticonvulsant effects of thymoquinone, the major constituent of Nigella sativa seeds, in mice. Phytomedicine, 12: 73-106.
Ramadan, M.F. and Morsel, J.T. 2002. Characterization of phospholipids composition of black cumin (Nigella sativa) seed oil. The Journal Nahrung, 46: 240-244.
Richard, B., Weinberg Barbara, S., Vander Werken R.A., Anderson, J., Stegner Michael, E. and Thomas, J. 2001. Pro-oxidant effect of vitamin e in cigarette smokers consuming a high polyunsaturated fat diet. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 21:1029-1033.
Salehi Surmaghi, M.H. 2008. Nigella Sativa in Herbal Medicine and Herbal Therapy, volum 2, Donyay Taghziah press. Tehran Iran. pp: 216.
Salem, M.L. and Hossain, M.S. 2002. Protective effect of black seed oil from Nigella sativa against murine cytomegalovirus infection. International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 22 (9): 729-740.
Su, H.C., Nguyen, K.B., Salazar-Mather, T.P., Ruzek, M.C., Dalod, M.Y. and Biron, C.A. 2001. Cell functions restrain T cell responses during viral infections. European Journal of Immunology, 31: 3048-3055.
Suboh, S.M., Bilto, Y.Y. and Aburjai, T.A. 2004. Protective effects of selected medicinal plants against protein degradation, lipid peroxidation and deformability loss of oxidative stress human erythrocytes. Phytotherapy Research, 18: 280-284.
Tohid, A. 2006. Effects of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa seeds on the uterine smooth muscle of rat and guinea pig. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 52: 23-26.
Zampini, I.C., Vattuone, M.A. and Isla, G. 2005. Diuretic and hypotensive effects of Nigella sativa on the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Therapie, 55: 379-382.
Ziaee, G. and Amir, F. 1960. Effectiveness of ‘Nigella’ in Asthma. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 6: 543-547.
Adams, R.P. 1984. Dynorphin reduces voltage-dependent calcium conductance of mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuropept, 253-256.
Al-Jaber, S., Al-Akloby, O.M., Al-Qurashi, A.R., Akhtar, N., Al-Dossary, A. and Randhawa, M.A. Thymoquinone, an active principle of Nigella sativa, inhibited Aspergillus niger. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, 42 (3): 56-71.
Bayrak, O., Bavbek, N., Karatas, O.F., Bayrak, R., Catal, F., Cimentepe, E., Akbas, A., Yildirim, E., Unal, D. and Akcay, A. 2008. Nigella sativa protects against, ischaemia reperfusion injury in rat kidneys. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 23 (7): 2206-2212.
Bourgou, S., Pichette, A., Marzouk, B. and Legault, J. 2010. Bioactivities of black cumin essential oil and its main terpenes from Tunisia. South African Journal of Botany, 76 (2): 210-216.
Burits, M. and Bucar, F. 2000. Antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa essential oil. Phytotherapy Research, 14 (5): 323-328.
Cemek, M., Enginar, H., Karaca, T. and Unak, P. 2006. In vivo radio protective effects of Nigella sativa oil and reduced glutathione against irradiation-induced oxidative injury and number of peripheral blood lymphocytes in rats. Photochemical Photobiology, 82(6): 1691-1696.
Chaieb, K., Kouidhi, B., Jrah,, Mahdouani, K. and Bakhrouf, A. 2011. Antibacterial activity of Thymoquinone, an active principle of Nigella sativa and its potency to prevent bacterial biofilm formation BMC Complement. Alternative Medicine, 13: 11-29.
Cristani, M., Darrigo, M. and Mandalari, G. 2007. Interaction of four monoterpens contained in essential oil with model membranes: implications for their antibacterial activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54: 18-4.
Fani, B. 2008. The relationship between water and soil, and crops of buckwheat. University of Mashhad.18 p. (In Persian).
Faravani, M., Razavi, S.A. and Farsi, M. 2006. In some agronomic traits and anatomical variation in local mass Nigella. Khorasan. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 22 (3): 197-193. (In Persian).
Gaworan, M., Sahin, F., Sokmen, M., Ozer, H., Daferera, D., Sokmen, A., Polissiou, M., Adiguzel, A. and Ozkan, H. 2012. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the essential oils and methanol extract from Nigella sativa Food Chemistry, 234: 49-56.
Geng, D., Zhang, S. and Lan, J. 2009. Analysis on chemical components of volatile oil and determination of thymoquinone from seed of Nigella glandulifera. China Journal of Chinese materia medica, 34 (22): 2887-2890.
Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (identifying and studying their effects). Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University Press, 541 p. (In Persian).
Gholamzade, M., Hossine, H., Askandari, S., Hossine, A. and Gholamzade, H. 2012. Study the effects of antioxidant extracts of black cumin, caraway and integrate them chemical changes and sensory properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Journal of Food Hygiene, 4(3): 22-11. (In Persian).
Goreja, W.G. 2003. Black Seed: Nature’s Miracle Remedy. New York, NY7 Amazing Herbs Press. pp: 46.
Halavani, E. 2009. Antibacterial activity of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone of Nigella sativa and their interaction with some antibiotics. Advances in Biological Research. 3 (5-6): 148-152.
Hannan, A., Saleem, S., Chaudhary, S., Barkaat, M. and Arshad, M.U. 2008. Anti-bacterial activity of Nigella sativa against clinical isolates of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 20(3): 72-74.
Khan, M.A., Ashfaq, M.K., Zuberi, H.S., Mahmood, M.S. and Gilani, A.H. 2003. The in vivo antifungal activity of the aqueous extract from Nigella sativa Phytotherapy Research,17: 183-186.
Kouidhi, B., Zmantar, T., Jrah, H., Souiden, Y., Chaieb, K. and Mahdouani, K. 2011. Antibacterial and resistance-modifying activities of thymoquinone against oral pathogens. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 27: 10-29.
Lopes-Lutz, D., Alviano, D.S., Alviano, C.S. and Kolodziejcyk, P.P. 2008. The cardiovascular actions of the volatile oil of the black seed (Nigella sativa) in rats: Elucidation of the mechanism of action. General Pharmacology, 24: 1123-1131.
Morikawa, T., Xu, F., Kashima, Y., Matsuda, H., Ninomiya, K. and Yoshikawa, M. 2004. Novel dolabellanetype diterpene alkaloids with lipid metabolism promoting activities from the seeds of Nigella sativa. Organic Letters, 6: 869-872.
Morsi, N.M. 2000. Antimicrobial effect of crude extracts of Nigella sativa on multiple antibiotics resistant bacteria. Acta Microbiologica Polonica, 49:63-74.
Nickavar, B., Mojab, F., Javidnia, K. and Amoli, M.A. 2003. Chemical composition of the fixed and volatile oils of Nigella sativa from Iran. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, 58: 629-631.
Oroojalian, F., Kasra-Kermanshahi, R., Azizi, M. and Bassami, M.R. 2010. Phytochemical composition of the essential oils from three Apiaceae species and their antibacterial effects on foodborne pathogens. Food Chemistry, 120 (3):765-770.
Othman, M., Hafedh, H., Fethi, B.N., Emira, N., Mejdi, S. and Amina, B. 2010. Antinociceptive effects of Nigeflla sativa oil and its major component, thymoquinone, in mice. European Journal of Pharmacology, 400: 89-97.
Parvardeh, S. and Hosseinzadeh, H. 2007. Anticonvulsant effects of thymoquinone, the major constituent of Nigella sativa seeds, in mice. Phytomedicine, 12: 73-106.
Ramadan, M.F. and Morsel, J.T. 2002. Characterization of phospholipids composition of black cumin (Nigella sativa) seed oil. The Journal Nahrung, 46: 240-244.
Richard, B., Weinberg Barbara, S., Vander Werken R.A., Anderson, J., Stegner Michael, E. and Thomas, J. 2001. Pro-oxidant effect of vitamin e in cigarette smokers consuming a high polyunsaturated fat diet. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 21:1029-1033.
Salehi Surmaghi, M.H. 2008. Nigella Sativa in Herbal Medicine and Herbal Therapy, volum 2, Donyay Taghziah press. Tehran Iran. pp: 216.
Salem, M.L. and Hossain, M.S. 2002. Protective effect of black seed oil from Nigella sativa against murine cytomegalovirus infection. International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 22 (9): 729-740.
Su, H.C., Nguyen, K.B., Salazar-Mather, T.P., Ruzek, M.C., Dalod, M.Y. and Biron, C.A. 2001. Cell functions restrain T cell responses during viral infections. European Journal of Immunology, 31: 3048-3055.
Suboh, S.M., Bilto, Y.Y. and Aburjai, T.A. 2004. Protective effects of selected medicinal plants against protein degradation, lipid peroxidation and deformability loss of oxidative stress human erythrocytes. Phytotherapy Research, 18: 280-284.
Tohid, A. 2006. Effects of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa seeds on the uterine smooth muscle of rat and guinea pig. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 52: 23-26.
Zampini, I.C., Vattuone, M.A. and Isla, G. 2005. Diuretic and hypotensive effects of Nigella sativa on the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Therapie, 55: 379-382.
Ziaee, G. and Amir, F. 1960. Effectiveness of ‘Nigella’ in Asthma. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 6: 543-547.