Assessment and Analysis of Lyrical Contents in Khales’s Poetry
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literature Shukri Rashid
1 - Associate professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq.
Keywords: lyric, Lyrical Contents, Khalis,
Abstract :
Lyric literature is one of the literary genres that have a high position with different shapes in Kurdish literature. Khales is a famous Kurdish poet who wrote great Persian poems. His poems are full of analytical notions from literary and linguistics views which are till now have not been given that importance. The purpose of this paper is to revise, analyze and introduce the core of this kind of poem (the lyric poem core) of Khales. The writer of this research attempts to show in an analytical-descriptive method depending on a librarian procedure that Khales’s poems were an immense chain of lyric poems that included in its core his soft and romantic feelings in a way that he dealt with any kind of humans feeling in this soft effective way. As in Diwan of Khales, most lyrical themes and concepts such as love, mysticism, description, praise, lamentation, debate, satire, and boasting can be observed.
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