Studying the Subjective Layers of Urban Spatial Justice in the Parand New Town
Subject Areas :
mahmoud ghalehnoei
majid shams
abbas malekhoseini
1 - Phd Student, Department of Urbanization, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer. Iran
Keywords: perceptions, Spatial justice, Service Uses, New Town, Parand,
Abstract :
In the last few decades, due to the tendency of people to migrate to large cities and metropolises due to the appropriate economic opportunities in them, we have witnessed significant population growth in these cities, which in itself has led to challenges. شده Ha and issues. One of the solutions proposed by experts and activists in the field of urban management to solve these challenges has been the planning and location of new cities around these metropolises. However, considering the fact that the citizens in these new cities already had appropriate facilities and facilities in the city of origin, it can be said that in their understanding of spatial justice in these cities The new one will create challenges. In this regard, this study was formed with the aim of examining citizens' readings of new cities based on spatial justice. To achieve the goal, after explaining the effective indicators of spatial justice according to the research literature, a structured questionnaire was designed and distributed among citizens in Parand. Data analysis by Farid Man test method showed that people living in this city, more than anything else, have considered daily service uses as an effective factor in the perceptual reading of spatial justice in the new town Parand . Accordingly، it was concluded that citizens in the study of spatial justice first consider their most basic needs.
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