The Relationship Between the Degree of Participation of the Teachers in the Manegement of the Schools and Their Efficiency in Marand
Subject Areas : Business ManagementDavood Hoseyni nasab 1 , Sohrab Kheyre daraye 2
1 - Professor of Psychology, Tabriz University, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Master of Educational Management
Keywords: Efficiency, Management, participation,
Abstract :
The general purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between the degree of participation of the teachers in the school management and the high school teachers’ efficiency in Marand. The Specific purposes of this paper are: to find out the teachers’ participation rate in school management according to their perspective, determining the managers (man and woman), participatory management style, and their efficiency. The research method is descriptive. The statistical population were Marand high school teachers and managers and the sampling method was simple random sampling.The sample number consisted of 76 managers and 304 teachers. Two separate questionnaires were used for teachers and managers. Specialists’ opinions have been used to determine the validity and Cronbach method has been used to determine the reliability rate of the questionnaires. The teachers’ questionnaire validity rate was calculated 80 percent and the managers’ questionnaire validity rate was 86 percent. The results were analyzed by SPSS statistical software version 9 and Pearson correlation test, T–test and ANOVA (unilateral variance analysis). In this paper, five questions were designed,and the statistical test results were: There is not a meaningful relationship between male teachers’ participation rate and their efficiency. There is a meaningful relationship between female teachers’ participation rate and their efficiency. Teachers participation rate regarding the teacher’s gender is not different. Teachers’ participation rate regarding the manager’s gender is not different. Teachers’ participation rate regarding their education is not different. According to this paper results, there is a direct relationship between the teachers’ participation rate in school and their efficiency. So it is suggested that school managers involve the teachers more in their school management because they will be a great help in solving many school problems. Finally, practical suggestions and guidelines are presented.
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