The Role of Advanced Manufacturing Technolog on Productivity development in SMEs with Mediation of Total Quality Management and Information Technology
Subject Areas : Business ManagementAli Mollahosseini 1 , Morteza Maleki Minbash Razgah 2 , Mahdi Dehghani Soltani 3 , Habib Farajpur 4
1 - Professor, Faculty of Ecomomic and Management , University of Shahid Bahonar, Kerman, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economic, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
3 - Ph.D. Student of Management, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
4 - Msc in Industrial Management, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: Productivity, Information Technology, Total Quality Management, Advanced manufacturing technology,
Abstract :
Nowadays, rapid growth of technolog has affected different industriesin undeniable way. Considering the importance of TQM and IT in theindustry, different approaches have been presented to achieve theproductivity. So, using TQM and IT as mediator in small and mediumindustries in Kerman city has been investigated. The statisticalpopulations were managers and employees in SMEs in Kerman, whichadded up to 1586 people. Using Morgan's table the sample size was 310people. The sampling method was random stratified sampling. To gatherthe data field and library method were used. The research method wasdescriptive correlational research. To analyze the data, correlation testand structural equations modeling and SPSS and LISREL soft wareswere used. The results showed Thet there was a significant effectbetween the advanced manufacturing technology and productivity in thementioned industries. While the advanced manufacturing technologythrough TQM mediator variables and the use of Information technologyhave more effect on productivity.
Abtahi, H., & Kazemi, B.(2003), Productivity, Tehran: The Publications of Institute for Trade Studies and Research, (In Persian).
Aksu, M. B.(2003), TQM readiness level perceived by the administrators working for the central organization of the Ministry of National Education in Turkey. Total Quality Management, 14(5), 591-604.
Amiri, M., & Hadinejad, F.(2016), Evaluation and analysis of productivity indicators in manufacturing industries using promethee technique. Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 9(35), 7-38, (In Persian).
Ansari, M., & Salehi Sadaghiani, J.(2004), Total quality management (TQM) and information technology (IT): relationships and performances. Industrial Management Studies, 2(5), 71-89, (In Persian).
Asayesh, F., & Shakibai, A.(2014), The effect of ICT on labor productivity in Iran Industries. Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies, 2(6), 49-66, (In Persian).
Bartelsaman, E., Van Leeuwen, G., & Nieuwenhuijsen, H.(1996), Adoption of advanced manufacturing technology and firm performance in the Netherlands. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 6(4), 291-312.
Baseri, B., Motlagh Aref, B.(2013), Evaluation the impact of information technology on productivity in the electricity distribution company of Western Azerbaijan province. Journal of Financial Economics, 6(21), 111-139, (In Persian).
Beaumont, N., Schroder, R. & Sohal, A.(2002), Do foreign-owned firms manage advanced manufacturing technology better. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(7), 759-771.
Benavides-Chicon, C. G., & Ortega, B.(2014), The impact of quality management on productivity in the hospitality sector. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 42(1), 165-173.
Bessant, J. (2010). Managing Advanced Manufacturing Technology: The Challenge of the Fifth Wave, NCC-Blackwell, Oxford and Manchester.
Boisvenue, C., Smiley, B. P., White, J. C., Kurz, W. A., & Wulder, M. A.(2016), Integration of Landsat time series and field plots for forest productivity estimates in decision support models. Forest Ecology and Management, 376(1), 284-297.
Bolatan, G. I. S., Gozlu, S., Alpkan, L., & Zaim, S.(2016), The impact of technology transfer performance on total quality management and quality performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 235, 746-755.
Boniface, U. U., & Augustine, O.(2013), Advanced manufacturing technology: a strategic solution to production problem. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(1), 90-97.
Brynjolfsson, E., & Yang, S.(1996), Information technology and productivity: a review of the literature. Advances in Computers, Academic Press, 43, 179-214.
Bulbul, H., Omurbek, N., Paksoy, T., & Bektas, T. (2013), An empirical investigation of advanced manufacturing technology investment patterns: Evidence from a developing country. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 30(2), 136-156.
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Chan, F. T. S., Chan, M. H., Lau, H. & Ip, R. W. L. (2013), Investment appraisal techniques for advanced manufacturing technology (AMT): a literature review. IMS, 12(1), 35-47.
Dangayach, G. S. & Deshmukh, S. G.(2011), Advanced manufacturing technology implementation. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 16(5), 483-496.
Dayton, N. (2003), The demise of total quality management (TQM). The TQMMagazine, 15(6), 391-396.
Dedrick, J., Gurbaxani, V., & Kraemer, K. L.(2003), Information technology and economic performance: a critical review of the emppirical evidence. ACM Computing reengineering, 35(1), pp, 1-28.
Dehghanian, N., Dehghanian, M., & Homayouni, S.M.(2013), The impact of advanced manufacturing technology on business strategies in small and medium enterprises of Esfehan. International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Sustainable Management, (In Persian).
Demirbag, M., Tatoglu, E., Tekinkus, M., & Zaim, S.(2006), An analysis of the between TQM implementation and organizational performance: relationship Evidence from Turkish SMEs. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(6), 829-847.
Dewan, S., & Kraemer, K. L.(2000), Information technology and productivity: evidence from country-level data. Management Science, 46(4), 548-562.
Farahani, A., Kashef, M., Gholamzadeh Yamich, A., Khodadadi, M. R.(2014), The relationship between total quality management and productivity in East Azerbaijan Physical Education Offices. Journal of Sport Management, 6(1), 1-17, (In Persian).
Farsijani, H., & Samieineyestani, A. (2011), Surveying the role of integration between TQM and technology management in determining quality and innovation performance (Survey around: Product ompanies Located at Markazi Province). Journal of Information Technology Management, 2(4), 117-136, (In Persian).
Faryabi, M., & Tajvidi, M. (2012), Investigation the Effect of Investment in Information Technology on Organization Productivity. Journal of Information Processing and Management, 27(1), 340-352, (In Persian).
Fatahi, S., Khoshnoud, E., & Gholipour, E. (2016), Investigation the Effect of the implementation of performance audit on improving productivity of iranian state sector (Case study: Supreme Audit Court of Islamic Republic of Iran). Journal of Audit Science, 15(61), 107-134, (In Persian).
Feiz, D., Farsizadeh, H., Dehghani Soltani, M., & Qahri Shirinabadi, E. (2015), Devising a model brand loyalty in tires industry: the adjustment role of customer perceived value. Journal of New Marketing Research, 5(1), 183-200, (In Persian).
Gholam Abri, A., & Mahmoudzadeh, M. (2015), Impact of information technology on productivity and efficiency in Iranian manufacturing industries. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 11, 143-157.
Green, T. (2016), A methodological review of structural equation modeling in higher education research. Studies in Higher Education, 41, 2125-2155.
Grliches, Z., & Jorgenson, D. (1967), The explaination of productivity, Change, Review of Economic Studies, 34(1), 1-12.
Hamidizadeh, M. R., Yazdani, N., Alamtabriz, A., & Khorshidi, G.M. (2012), Design and validation of electronic advertising model. Journal of Business Research, 11(3), 81-99, (In Persian).
Hoseinpour, D., & Karimi Jafari, F. (2012), Investigation the effect of information and communication technology (ICT) on the productivity of work force in the factory industry of central province. Journal of Economic Sciences, 6(21), 111-139, (In Persian).
Jorgenson, D. W., Ho, M., & Samuels, J. (2010), Information technology and U.S. productivity growth: Evidence from a Prototype Industry Production Account, Prepared for Industrial Productivity in Europe: Growth and Crisis, Matilde Mas and Robert Stehrer (Eds.).
Kazemi, M., & Hoshyar, V. (2009), Determination of universities administrators' preparedness for the establishment of total management quality (case study: a public university). Higher Education Letter, 2(7), 85-108, (In Persian).
Khan, J. H. (2003), (2003), Impact of total quality management on productivity. The TQM Magazine, 15(6), 374-380.
Kotha, S., & Swamidass, P. M. (2000), Strategy, advanced manufacturing technology and performance: empirical evidence from U.S. manufacturing firms. Journal of Operations Management, 18, 257-277.
Lee, S., Xiang, J. Y., & Kim, J. K. (2011), Information technology and productivity: Empirical evidence from the Chinese electronics industry. Information & Management, 48, 79-87.
Lengnick-Hall, C. A. & Wolff, J. A. (1999), Similarities and contradictions in the core logic of three strategy research streams. Strategic Management Journal, 20(4), 1109-1132
Li, C., & Gibson, J. (2015), City scale and productivity in China, Economics Letters, 131(1), 86-90.
Jackson, N. (1998), Understanding standard-based quality assurance in education. Quality Assurance in education, 6(3), 132-139.
Mahmoudzadeh, M. (2009), The effect of information technology on productivity of labor in the factory industry of Iran: 2002-2009. Quarterly Journal of New Economy and Trade, 18, 1-22, (In Persian).
Maleki Minbashi Razgah, M., Dehghani Soltani, M., Farsizadeh, H., & Gholamzadeh, R. (2015), Investigation of the impact of internet banking Image and e-banking satisfaction on attraction and retention of premier customers: the moderating role of customer perceived value. Journal of Business Research, 14(22), 141-160, (In Persian).
McAdama, R., Denis, L., Joan, H., & Shirley-Ann, H. (2008), Agrounded theory research approach to building and testing TQM theory in operations management. Omega, 36, 825-837.
Melville, N., Kraemer, K., & Gurbaxani, V. (2004), Review: information technology and organizational performance: an integrative model of IT business value. MIS Quarterly, 28(2), 283-322.
Moghimi, S. M., Hoseinzadeh, M. (2014), Presenting a model for examining the impact of IT on organizational productivity based on process- oriented approach. Journal of Information Technology Management, 5(4), 245-266, (In Persian).
Moradi, F., & Hojabr Kiani, K. (2015), The impact of information and communication technology on labor productivity in food industry of Tehran Province. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 5(9), 51-60, (In Persian).
Motwani, J. (2001), Measuring critical factors of TQM, Measuring Business Excellence, 5, 27-30.
Naderian M., Amirhoseini, E., & Soltanhoseini, M. (2008), Investigation of effective factors on productivity of sport organizations in Isfahan. Harkat, 34(34), 59-68, (In Persian).
Narkhede, B. E. (2017), Advance manufacturing strategy and firm performance an empirical study in a developing environment of small- and medium-sized firms. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 24(1), 62-101.
Nasrabadi, H. B., & Emami Ghahfarokhi, A. (2004), The total quality managemeut in Isfahan university of medieal sciences (The application of the principles of the view point of managers and employees about). Journal of Health Information Management, 1(2), 1-6, (In Persian).
Nazemi, S., Kazemi, M., & Okharavi, A. (2010), Prioritizing the critical success factors of TQM using fuzzy AHP to reduce performance Gap: a case study. Strategic Management Thought, 4(2), 183-210, (In Persian).
Parvizian, K., Saremi, M. (2006), Productivity and information technology in Iran: the industry level. Management Research in Iran, 10(36), 103-136, (In Persian).
Paydarfard, D., Abaszadeh, Y., Fani, M., & Hamdi, K. (2015), Determining the relationship between quality of work life and productivity of human resources at the Islamic University of Salmas, Khoy, Urmia. Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 9(32), 89-108, (In Persian).
Percival, J. C., & Cozzarin, B. P. (2010), Complementarities in the implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 21(2), pp, 122-135.
Pohjola, M. (2011), Information technology, productivity, and economic growth: international evidence and implications for economic development, Published to Oxford Scholarship.
Porter, M. E. (2010), Competitive advdntage: creating and sustaining superior performance. New York: The Free Press.
Porter, M. E. (2001), Strategy and the internet. Harvard Business Review.
Raeisi Ardeli, G.A., Khakbaz, H. (2006), The impact of information technology on total quality management. Tadbir Journal, 165, 41-44, (In Persian).
Ranjbarian, R. (2013), The role of information technology in improving the productivity of human resources in organizations. Journal of Labor and Society, 159, 49-55, (In Persian).
Rodriguez, C. S. & Dewhurst, F. W. (2012), IT use in supporting TQM initiatives: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Operations & Product Management, 26(5), 486-504.
Salarieh, M., Mohammadi Nejad., A., & Moghaddasi, R. (2016), Impact of technological progress and efficiency changes on the productivity growth of Iran Agriculture Sector: data envelopment analysis. Quarterly Journal of Economical Modeling, 10(2), 133-148, (In Persian).
Saleh, B. M. & Randhawa, S. (2011), Factors in capital decisions involving advanced manufacturing technologies. International Journal of Operations & Production Management,21(10),1265-87
Samadipour, R., Khosh Akhlagh, A., & Razaghi Shirsavar, H. (2015), Evaluation of satisfaction and usability of Website in the development of productivity and positive oral speaking in e-banking services. Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 9(34), 91-110, (In Persian).
Simon, J. C. & Soliman, K. S. (2011), An alternative method to measure MIS faculty teaching performance. The international Journal Management, 17(5), 195-199.
Shahidi, M.N. (2000), The need to use advanced technology and how its effects on improving manufacturing productivity. Knowledge of Management Journal, 12(46), 62-107, (In Persian).
Shao, B. M., & Lin, W. T. (2016), Assessing output performance of information technology service industries: productivity, innovation and catch-up. International Journal of Production Economics, 172(1), 43-53.
Tabarsa, G., Yadolahifarsi, J., & Naiji, M. J. (2014), The model of strategic entrepreneurship with human resource management approach: the mediating role of knowledge exchange, Journal of Business Research, 12(3), 165-180, (In Persian).
Taylor, P. (2012), Total quality management in research and development, TQM Magazine, 6(1), pp, 26-34.
Thakur, L. S., & Jain, V.K. (2008), Advanced manufacturing techniques and information technology adoption in India: A current perspective and some comparisons. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36, 618-631.
Zare Mehrjerdi, Y., Resaye, H., & Ghasemi Gajvan, A. A. (2011), Evaluation of advanced manufacturing technologies using chance-constraints linear programming and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 21(4), 117-130, (In Persian).
Zhang, J., & Liu, X. (2013), The evolving pattern of the wage–labor productivity nexus in china: evidence from manufacturing firm-level data. Economic Systems, 37(3), 354-368.
_||_Abtahi, H., & Kazemi, B.(2003), Productivity, Tehran: The Publications of Institute for Trade Studies and Research, (In Persian).
Aksu, M. B.(2003), TQM readiness level perceived by the administrators working for the central organization of the Ministry of National Education in Turkey. Total Quality Management, 14(5), 591-604.
Amiri, M., & Hadinejad, F.(2016), Evaluation and analysis of productivity indicators in manufacturing industries using promethee technique. Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 9(35), 7-38, (In Persian).
Ansari, M., & Salehi Sadaghiani, J.(2004), Total quality management (TQM) and information technology (IT): relationships and performances. Industrial Management Studies, 2(5), 71-89, (In Persian).
Asayesh, F., & Shakibai, A.(2014), The effect of ICT on labor productivity in Iran Industries. Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies, 2(6), 49-66, (In Persian).
Bartelsaman, E., Van Leeuwen, G., & Nieuwenhuijsen, H.(1996), Adoption of advanced manufacturing technology and firm performance in the Netherlands. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 6(4), 291-312.
Baseri, B., Motlagh Aref, B.(2013), Evaluation the impact of information technology on productivity in the electricity distribution company of Western Azerbaijan province. Journal of Financial Economics, 6(21), 111-139, (In Persian).
Beaumont, N., Schroder, R. & Sohal, A.(2002), Do foreign-owned firms manage advanced manufacturing technology better. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(7), 759-771.
Benavides-Chicon, C. G., & Ortega, B.(2014), The impact of quality management on productivity in the hospitality sector. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 42(1), 165-173.
Bessant, J. (2010). Managing Advanced Manufacturing Technology: The Challenge of the Fifth Wave, NCC-Blackwell, Oxford and Manchester.
Boisvenue, C., Smiley, B. P., White, J. C., Kurz, W. A., & Wulder, M. A.(2016), Integration of Landsat time series and field plots for forest productivity estimates in decision support models. Forest Ecology and Management, 376(1), 284-297.
Bolatan, G. I. S., Gozlu, S., Alpkan, L., & Zaim, S.(2016), The impact of technology transfer performance on total quality management and quality performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 235, 746-755.
Boniface, U. U., & Augustine, O.(2013), Advanced manufacturing technology: a strategic solution to production problem. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(1), 90-97.
Brynjolfsson, E., & Yang, S.(1996), Information technology and productivity: a review of the literature. Advances in Computers, Academic Press, 43, 179-214.
Bulbul, H., Omurbek, N., Paksoy, T., & Bektas, T. (2013), An empirical investigation of advanced manufacturing technology investment patterns: Evidence from a developing country. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 30(2), 136-156.
Caby, F. L. (2003), Qualite et revolution technologique, Editions Economica, Paris.
Cardoso, R., Lima, E. P., & Casta, S. (2012), Identifying organizational requirements for the implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT). Journal of Manufacturing System, 31(3), 367-378.
Chan, F. T. S., Chan, M. H., Lau, H. & Ip, R. W. L. (2013), Investment appraisal techniques for advanced manufacturing technology (AMT): a literature review. IMS, 12(1), 35-47.
Dangayach, G. S. & Deshmukh, S. G.(2011), Advanced manufacturing technology implementation. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 16(5), 483-496.
Dayton, N. (2003), The demise of total quality management (TQM). The TQMMagazine, 15(6), 391-396.
Dedrick, J., Gurbaxani, V., & Kraemer, K. L.(2003), Information technology and economic performance: a critical review of the emppirical evidence. ACM Computing reengineering, 35(1), pp, 1-28.
Dehghanian, N., Dehghanian, M., & Homayouni, S.M.(2013), The impact of advanced manufacturing technology on business strategies in small and medium enterprises of Esfehan. International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Sustainable Management, (In Persian).
Demirbag, M., Tatoglu, E., Tekinkus, M., & Zaim, S.(2006), An analysis of the between TQM implementation and organizational performance: relationship Evidence from Turkish SMEs. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(6), 829-847.
Dewan, S., & Kraemer, K. L.(2000), Information technology and productivity: evidence from country-level data. Management Science, 46(4), 548-562.
Farahani, A., Kashef, M., Gholamzadeh Yamich, A., Khodadadi, M. R.(2014), The relationship between total quality management and productivity in East Azerbaijan Physical Education Offices. Journal of Sport Management, 6(1), 1-17, (In Persian).
Farsijani, H., & Samieineyestani, A. (2011), Surveying the role of integration between TQM and technology management in determining quality and innovation performance (Survey around: Product ompanies Located at Markazi Province). Journal of Information Technology Management, 2(4), 117-136, (In Persian).
Faryabi, M., & Tajvidi, M. (2012), Investigation the Effect of Investment in Information Technology on Organization Productivity. Journal of Information Processing and Management, 27(1), 340-352, (In Persian).
Fatahi, S., Khoshnoud, E., & Gholipour, E. (2016), Investigation the Effect of the implementation of performance audit on improving productivity of iranian state sector (Case study: Supreme Audit Court of Islamic Republic of Iran). Journal of Audit Science, 15(61), 107-134, (In Persian).
Feiz, D., Farsizadeh, H., Dehghani Soltani, M., & Qahri Shirinabadi, E. (2015), Devising a model brand loyalty in tires industry: the adjustment role of customer perceived value. Journal of New Marketing Research, 5(1), 183-200, (In Persian).
Gholam Abri, A., & Mahmoudzadeh, M. (2015), Impact of information technology on productivity and efficiency in Iranian manufacturing industries. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 11, 143-157.
Green, T. (2016), A methodological review of structural equation modeling in higher education research. Studies in Higher Education, 41, 2125-2155.
Grliches, Z., & Jorgenson, D. (1967), The explaination of productivity, Change, Review of Economic Studies, 34(1), 1-12.
Hamidizadeh, M. R., Yazdani, N., Alamtabriz, A., & Khorshidi, G.M. (2012), Design and validation of electronic advertising model. Journal of Business Research, 11(3), 81-99, (In Persian).
Hoseinpour, D., & Karimi Jafari, F. (2012), Investigation the effect of information and communication technology (ICT) on the productivity of work force in the factory industry of central province. Journal of Economic Sciences, 6(21), 111-139, (In Persian).
Jorgenson, D. W., Ho, M., & Samuels, J. (2010), Information technology and U.S. productivity growth: Evidence from a Prototype Industry Production Account, Prepared for Industrial Productivity in Europe: Growth and Crisis, Matilde Mas and Robert Stehrer (Eds.).
Kazemi, M., & Hoshyar, V. (2009), Determination of universities administrators' preparedness for the establishment of total management quality (case study: a public university). Higher Education Letter, 2(7), 85-108, (In Persian).
Khan, J. H. (2003), (2003), Impact of total quality management on productivity. The TQM Magazine, 15(6), 374-380.
Kotha, S., & Swamidass, P. M. (2000), Strategy, advanced manufacturing technology and performance: empirical evidence from U.S. manufacturing firms. Journal of Operations Management, 18, 257-277.
Lee, S., Xiang, J. Y., & Kim, J. K. (2011), Information technology and productivity: Empirical evidence from the Chinese electronics industry. Information & Management, 48, 79-87.
Lengnick-Hall, C. A. & Wolff, J. A. (1999), Similarities and contradictions in the core logic of three strategy research streams. Strategic Management Journal, 20(4), 1109-1132
Li, C., & Gibson, J. (2015), City scale and productivity in China, Economics Letters, 131(1), 86-90.
Jackson, N. (1998), Understanding standard-based quality assurance in education. Quality Assurance in education, 6(3), 132-139.
Mahmoudzadeh, M. (2009), The effect of information technology on productivity of labor in the factory industry of Iran: 2002-2009. Quarterly Journal of New Economy and Trade, 18, 1-22, (In Persian).
Maleki Minbashi Razgah, M., Dehghani Soltani, M., Farsizadeh, H., & Gholamzadeh, R. (2015), Investigation of the impact of internet banking Image and e-banking satisfaction on attraction and retention of premier customers: the moderating role of customer perceived value. Journal of Business Research, 14(22), 141-160, (In Persian).
McAdama, R., Denis, L., Joan, H., & Shirley-Ann, H. (2008), Agrounded theory research approach to building and testing TQM theory in operations management. Omega, 36, 825-837.
Melville, N., Kraemer, K., & Gurbaxani, V. (2004), Review: information technology and organizational performance: an integrative model of IT business value. MIS Quarterly, 28(2), 283-322.
Moghimi, S. M., Hoseinzadeh, M. (2014), Presenting a model for examining the impact of IT on organizational productivity based on process- oriented approach. Journal of Information Technology Management, 5(4), 245-266, (In Persian).
Moradi, F., & Hojabr Kiani, K. (2015), The impact of information and communication technology on labor productivity in food industry of Tehran Province. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 5(9), 51-60, (In Persian).
Motwani, J. (2001), Measuring critical factors of TQM, Measuring Business Excellence, 5, 27-30.
Naderian M., Amirhoseini, E., & Soltanhoseini, M. (2008), Investigation of effective factors on productivity of sport organizations in Isfahan. Harkat, 34(34), 59-68, (In Persian).
Narkhede, B. E. (2017), Advance manufacturing strategy and firm performance an empirical study in a developing environment of small- and medium-sized firms. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 24(1), 62-101.
Nasrabadi, H. B., & Emami Ghahfarokhi, A. (2004), The total quality managemeut in Isfahan university of medieal sciences (The application of the principles of the view point of managers and employees about). Journal of Health Information Management, 1(2), 1-6, (In Persian).
Nazemi, S., Kazemi, M., & Okharavi, A. (2010), Prioritizing the critical success factors of TQM using fuzzy AHP to reduce performance Gap: a case study. Strategic Management Thought, 4(2), 183-210, (In Persian).
Parvizian, K., Saremi, M. (2006), Productivity and information technology in Iran: the industry level. Management Research in Iran, 10(36), 103-136, (In Persian).
Paydarfard, D., Abaszadeh, Y., Fani, M., & Hamdi, K. (2015), Determining the relationship between quality of work life and productivity of human resources at the Islamic University of Salmas, Khoy, Urmia. Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 9(32), 89-108, (In Persian).
Percival, J. C., & Cozzarin, B. P. (2010), Complementarities in the implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 21(2), pp, 122-135.
Pohjola, M. (2011), Information technology, productivity, and economic growth: international evidence and implications for economic development, Published to Oxford Scholarship.
Porter, M. E. (2010), Competitive advdntage: creating and sustaining superior performance. New York: The Free Press.
Porter, M. E. (2001), Strategy and the internet. Harvard Business Review.
Raeisi Ardeli, G.A., Khakbaz, H. (2006), The impact of information technology on total quality management. Tadbir Journal, 165, 41-44, (In Persian).
Ranjbarian, R. (2013), The role of information technology in improving the productivity of human resources in organizations. Journal of Labor and Society, 159, 49-55, (In Persian).
Rodriguez, C. S. & Dewhurst, F. W. (2012), IT use in supporting TQM initiatives: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Operations & Product Management, 26(5), 486-504.
Salarieh, M., Mohammadi Nejad., A., & Moghaddasi, R. (2016), Impact of technological progress and efficiency changes on the productivity growth of Iran Agriculture Sector: data envelopment analysis. Quarterly Journal of Economical Modeling, 10(2), 133-148, (In Persian).
Saleh, B. M. & Randhawa, S. (2011), Factors in capital decisions involving advanced manufacturing technologies. International Journal of Operations & Production Management,21(10),1265-87
Samadipour, R., Khosh Akhlagh, A., & Razaghi Shirsavar, H. (2015), Evaluation of satisfaction and usability of Website in the development of productivity and positive oral speaking in e-banking services. Quarterly Journal of Productivity Management, 9(34), 91-110, (In Persian).
Simon, J. C. & Soliman, K. S. (2011), An alternative method to measure MIS faculty teaching performance. The international Journal Management, 17(5), 195-199.
Shahidi, M.N. (2000), The need to use advanced technology and how its effects on improving manufacturing productivity. Knowledge of Management Journal, 12(46), 62-107, (In Persian).
Shao, B. M., & Lin, W. T. (2016), Assessing output performance of information technology service industries: productivity, innovation and catch-up. International Journal of Production Economics, 172(1), 43-53.
Tabarsa, G., Yadolahifarsi, J., & Naiji, M. J. (2014), The model of strategic entrepreneurship with human resource management approach: the mediating role of knowledge exchange, Journal of Business Research, 12(3), 165-180, (In Persian).
Taylor, P. (2012), Total quality management in research and development, TQM Magazine, 6(1), pp, 26-34.
Thakur, L. S., & Jain, V.K. (2008), Advanced manufacturing techniques and information technology adoption in India: A current perspective and some comparisons. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36, 618-631.
Zare Mehrjerdi, Y., Resaye, H., & Ghasemi Gajvan, A. A. (2011), Evaluation of advanced manufacturing technologies using chance-constraints linear programming and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 21(4), 117-130, (In Persian).
Zhang, J., & Liu, X. (2013), The evolving pattern of the wage–labor productivity nexus in china: evidence from manufacturing firm-level data. Economic Systems, 37(3), 354-368.