Change in Organizational Productivity by Electronic Human Resources Management (Proposing a Model by Q Method)
Subject Areas : Business Management
Hamid Erfaniyan
Reza Najaf beygi
Karamollah Daneshfard
1 - Faculty Member, Department of Public Administration, Mashhad Unit, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Department of Public Administration, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Department of Public Administration, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Information Technology, barriers, human resource management, Electronic human resource management,
Abstract :
In the past decades, technology has had a considerable impact on the processes and practices of human resource manaegement. For instance, technology, particularly the Internet, has helped many HR processes to be followed with higher productivity.New systems have enabled HR professionals to provide their beneficiaries with better services.Electronic human resource management(EHRM) is the best example of such systems. Its application in the present era is so widespread that it has become a necessity.Of course, this system in Iran is faced with some problems.On the one hand, a suitable explanation of the concept has not been provided,and on the other hand, due to factors affecting its establishment,the system has faced some problems.The present research article proceeds,through a mixed approach, to identify the factors affecting the establishment of EHRM through focusing on the overall strategic pattern.What has made the article unique is the pluralistic method of data collection.Finally,by means of"Q"method,which is a quantitative-qualitative method, the conceptual model of establishing electronic human resource management in the governmental organizations of Razavi Khorasgan Province has been presented.
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- Farsijani, H and Arefnejad, M. (2011), “Ranking of Factors Affecting the Implementation of E-HRM to Achieve World Class,”, The prospect of public administration, V 6.
- Musakhani, M; Maniyan, A; Hasangholipur, T; Mirbaha, A and Abtin A. (2011), “Presentation of a Model for the Development of Human Resource Management in Iranian Government Organizations”, Public Management Research, V 14.
- Houman, H. (1995), “Understanding the scientific method in behavioral sciences”, Samt Publication, V 1.
- Abubakar Allumi Nura & Nor Hasni Osman. (2012), The Proposed Relationship connecting e-HRM adoption,Performance Management System and Effective Decision making in Higher Educational Institutions in Nigeria, European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol 4, No.18.
- Chamaru De Alwis,A .(2010), The impact of Electronic Human Resource Managementon the role of Human Resource Managemers, E + M EKONOMIE A MANAGEMENT Journal – volume 4- pages 47-61
- Davoodi,Seyd Mehdi& Fartash, Kiarash .(2012), Electronic Human Resource Management: new Avenues Which Leads To Organizational Success, Spectrum: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Research- Vol.1 Issue 2, May 2012, ISSN 2278-0637
- Gueutal, H. G., & Stone, D. L. (Eds.).(2005), The brave new world of eHR: Human resources management in the digital age San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Huub J.M. Ruel & Tanya V. Bondarouk & Mandy Van der Velde. (2007), The contribution of e-HRM to HRM effectiveness: Results from a quantitative study in a Dutch Ministry, Employee Relations Vol.29 No. 3,pp. 280-291
- Jalilvand Mohammad Reza, Shekarchizadeh Esfahani, Sharif, Samiei, Neda .(2011), Electronic word-of-mouth: challenges and opportunities, Procedia Computer Science 3, 42–46
- Lengnick-Hall, M.L, &Moritz, S. (2003),“The impact of e-HR on the Human Resource Management Function”, Jouranl of Labor Research 24(3): 365-380.
- Liang-Hung Lin .(2011), Electronic human resource management and organizational innovation: the roles of information technology and virtual organizational structure, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 22, No. 2, January 2011, 235–257
- Manivannan, S. K.(2013), EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION FOR E-HRM,International Monthly Refereed Journal of Research In Management & Technology9 ISSN-2320-0073 Volume II, April’2013
- Nihat Erdogmus &, Murat Esen. (2011), Attitude towards E-HRM: an empirical study at Philips,Emerald Journal, p.487
- Ralf Burbach & Tony Royle, Strohmeier, S.Diederichsen, A.(2010), (Eds), Evidence-Based e-HRM? On the way to rigorous and relevant research, Proceedings of the Third European Academic Workshop on electronic Human Resource Management, Bamberg, Germany, May 20-21,, ISSN 1613-0073, Vol. 570, online: , pp. 289-306.
- Sanaee, A. Mirzaee .(2008), Designinig a model for evaluating the effectiveness of ehrm (Case Study: Iranian organizations), A. International Journa Of Information Science and Technology - Volume 6, Number 2- 2008
- Strohmeier .S. (2007), “Research in e-HRM: Review and implication”, Human Resurce Management Review 17(1):19-37.
- Shashank Kumar Srivastava .(2010), Shaping Organization with e-HRM, International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, April - ISSN: 2010-0248
- Stone, Daniel & Doulebohn, James. (2013), Emerging issues in theory and research on electronic human resource management (eHRM), journal homepage:
- Tanya V. Bondarouk & Huub J.M. Ruel. (2008), HRM systems for successful information technology implementation: evidence from three case studies, European Management Journal, 26,pp:153– 165.
- Nihat Erdogmus &, Murat Esen. (2011), An Investigation of the Effects of Technology Readiness on Technology Acceptance in e-HRM, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 24 p. 487–495
- Reiss, Michael. (2003), Mass Personalization: An Internet-enable Strategy for E-HRM, Lehrstuhl fur ABWL und Organisation.
- Yuslizaa My & T, Ramayah. (2012), Determinants of Attitude towards E-HRM: an Empirical Study among HR Professionals. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 57, Pages 312-319