Challenges of Implementing Circular Economy in Polluting Industries: A Hybrid Meta-synthesis and Fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP Approach
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Mehrdad Kiani
Davood Andalib Ardakani
1 - Ph.D. candidate of Industrial Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: challenge, Sustainable Development, Meta-synthesis, Circular economy, Fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP,
Abstract :
The present study sought to provide a pattern of the relationships among the challenges of implementing a circular economy in polluting industries. In terms of purpose, this research is considered as a component of applied developmental research and regarding research type, it is considered as a mix method (exploratory mix) one. Yazd glass industry was selected as one of the polluting industries in the country and ten experts in this industry who were purposefully selected, were polled. In the qualitative part of the research, the Meta-synthesis approach was used to identify the challenges and categorize them, and in the quantitative part, the Fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP method was used to present the pattern of relationships among these challenges and prioritize them. The qualitative findings included identifying 27 challenges in six dimensions: economic, cultural and social, managerial, organizational, infrastructure and technology, market and design. In quantitative terms, the findings showed that economic challenges are the most effective and market and design challenges are the most affected challenges in implementing a circular economy. Also, the organizational challenges were found to interact more with other challenges. In a more complete analysis, the challenges of market uncertainty (e.g., recession), the existence of a linear mindset in the managers, the lack of systematic and circular thinking, and the challenge of low customer demand for recycled products are the most important challenges in implementing a circular economy in polluting industries such as the glass industry. In addition, the impact and effectiveness of each of the challenges were identified in their relationship to each other, which can be a roadmap for the use of managers and experts of different organizations to implement a circular economy.
Accorsi, R., Bortolini, M., Baruffaldi, G., Pilati, F., & Ferrari, E. (2017). Internet-of-things Paradigm in Food Supply Chains Control and Management. Procedia Manufacturing, 11, 889- 895.
Agyemang, M., Kusi-Sarpong, S., Khan, S. A., Mani, V., Rehman, S. T., & Kusi-Sarpong, H. (2019). Drivers and barriers to circular economy implementation: An explorative study in Pakistan’s automobile industry. Management Decision, 57(4), 971–994.
Al Hosni, I. S., Amoudi, O., & Callaghan, N. (2020). An exploratory study on challenges of circular economy in the built environment in Oman. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law, 173(3), 104–113.
Bai, C., Ahmadi, H. B., Moktadir, M. A., Kusi-Sarpong, S., & Liou, J. J. H. (2021). Analyzing the Interactions among the Challenges to Circular Economy Practices. IEEE Access, 9, 63199–63212.
Barros, J., Sandelowski, M. (2007). Handbook for synthesizing qualitative research, Springer publishing company Inc, 1-310.
Beaulieu L, Van Durme G, Arpin M-L. (2015). Circular economy: a critical literature review of con- cepts. Rep., CIRAIG.
Bianchini, A., Rossi, J., & Pellegrini, M. (2019). Overcoming the main barriers of circular economy implementation through a new visualization tool for circular business models. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(23), 6614.
Chen, W. K., Nalluri, V., Hung, H. C., Chang, M. C., & Lin, C. T. (2021). Apply dematel to analyzing key barriers to implementing the circular economy: An application for the textile sector. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(8), 3335.
Chen, F. H., Hsu, T. S. & Tzeng, G.H. (2011). A balanced scorecard approach to establish a performance evaluation and relationship model for hot spring hotels based on a hybrid MCDM model combining DEMATEL and ANP. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 908-932.
Cruz Rios, F., & Grau, D. (2019). Circular Economy in the Built Environment: Designing, Deconstructing, and Leasing Reusable Products. In book: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 1-94.
Garcés-Ayerbe, C., Rivera-Torres, P., Suárez-Perales, I., & Hiz, D. I. L. D. La. (2019). Is it possible to change from a linear to a circular economy? An overview of opportunities and barriers for european small and medium-sized enterprise companies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 1-15.
Genovese, A., Acquaye, A.A., Figueroa, A., & Koh, S.L. (2017). Sustainable supply chain management and the transition towards a circular economy: evidence and some applications. Omega, 66, 344–357.
Ghisellini, P., Cialani, C. & Ulgiati, S. (2016). A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 11-32.
Govindan, K., & Hasanagic, M. (2018). A systematic review on drivers, barriers, and practices towards circular economy: a supply chain perspective. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1–2), 278–311.
Graziano, M., Alexander, K. A., Liesch, M., Lema, E., & Torres, J. A. (2019) Understanding an emerging economic discourse through regional analysis: blue economy clusters in the US Great Lakes basin. Applied Geography, 105:111–123.
Guerra-Rodríguez, S., Oulego, P., Rodríguez, E., Singh, D. N., & Rodríguez-Chueca, J. (2020). Towards the implementation of circular economy in the wastewater sector: Challenges and opportunities. Water (Switzerland), 12(5), 1431.
Haleem, A., Khan, S., Pundir, H., Jain, A., Upadhyay, P., & Khan, M. I. (2021). Investigating barriers toward the implementation of circular economy: A fuzzy critic approach. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management, 6(1), 107–139.
Hosseini-Motlagh, S. M., Nouri-Harzvili, M., Choi, T. M., Ebrahimi, S. (2019). Reverse supply chain systems optimization with dual channel and demand disruptions: Sustainability, CSR investment and pricing coordination. Information Sciences, 503, 606-634.
Joshi, P., & Visvanathan, C. (2019). Sustainable management practices of food waste in Asia: Technological and policy drivers. Journal of Environmental Management, 247, 538–550.
Karuppiah, K., Sankaranarayanan, B., Ali, S. M., Jabbour, C. J. C., & Bhalaji, A. K. A. (2021). Inhibitors to circular economy practices in the leather industry using an integrated approach: Implications for sustainable development goals in emerging economies. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 1554-1568.
Kirchherr, J., Piscicelli, L., Bour, R., Kostense-Smit, E., Muller, J., Huibrechtse-Truijens, A., & Hekkert, M. (2018). Barriers to the Circular Economy: Evidence From the European Union (EU). Ecological Economics, 150, 264–272.
Korhonen, J., Honkasalo, A., & Seppälä, J. (2018). Circular Economy: The Concept and its Limitations. Ecological Economics, 143, 37–46.
Kumar, V., Sezersan, I., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Gonzalez, E. D. R. S., & AL-Shboul, M. A. (2019). Circular economy in the manufacturing sector: benefits, opportunities and barriers. Management Decision, 57(4), 1067–1086.
Lin, R. J. (2013). Using fuzzy DEMATEL to evaluate the green supply chain management practices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 40, 32–39.
Mahpour, A. (2018). Prioritizing barriers to adopt circular economy in construction and demolition waste management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 134, 216–227.
Marković, M., Krstić, B., & Rađenović, T. (2020). Circular economy and sustainable development. In Economics of Sustainable Development, 2(3), 1143 – 1156.
Masi, D., Kumar, V., Garza-Reyes, J. A., & Godsell, J. (2018). Towards a more circular economy: exploring the awareness, practices, and barriers from a focal firm perspective. Production Planning and Control, 29(6), 539–550.
McDowall, W., Geng, Y., Huang, B., Barteková, E., Bleischwitz, R., Türkeli, S., Kemp, R., & Doménech, T. (2017). Circular economy policies in China and Europe. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(3), 651–661.
Morseletto, P. (2020). Targets for a circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 153, 104553.
Murray, A., Skene, K., & Haynes, K. (2017). The Circular Economy: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Concept and Application in a Global Context. Journal of Business Ethics, 140, 369–380.
Ormazabal, M., Prieto-Sandoval, V., Puga-Leal, R., & Jaca, C. (2018). Circular Economy in Spanish SMEs: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 185, 157–167.
Pomponi, F., & Moncaster, A. (2017). Circular economy for the built environment: A research framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 710–718.
Rajabipoor Meybodi, A., Mofatehzadeh, E., Kiani, M., & Zamzam, F. (2021). Designing the Model of Factors Affecting Green Supply Chain Establishment and Management: A Meta-synthesis Approach and Strategic Option (SODA) Analysis and Development. The Journal of Productivity Management, 15(1), 265-293. (In Persian).
Reuter, M. A., Van Schaik, A., Gutzmer, J., Bartie, N., & Abadías-Llamas, A. (2019). Challenges of the Circular Economy: A Material, Metallurgical, and Product Design Perspective. Annual Review of Materials Research, 49, 253–274.
Rodríguez-Antón, J. M., & Alonso-Almeida, M. D. (2019). The Circular Economy Strategy in Hospitality: A Multicase Approach. Sustainability, 11(20), 1-14.
Sandelowski, M., Barroso, J., & Voils, C. I. (2007). Using qualitative metasummary to synthesize qualitative and quantitative descriptive findings. Research in nursing & health, 30(1), 99-111.
Sangwan, K.S., Bhakar, V., & Digalwar, A.K. (2019). A sustainability assessment frame- work for cement industry e a case study. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 26, 470-497.
Sauve, S., Bernard, S., & Sloan, P. (2016). Environmental sciences, sustainable development and circular economy: alternative concepts for trans-disciplinary research. Environmental Development, 17, 48–56.
Singh, R. K., Kumar, A., Garza-Reyes, J. A., & de Sá, M. M. (2020). Managing operations for circular economy in the mining sector: An analysis of barriers intensity. Resources Policy, 69(4), pp 101752.
Smol, M., Kulczycka, J., Henclik, A., Gorazda, K., & Wzorek, Z. (2015). The possible use of sewage sludge ash (SSA) in the construction industry as a way towards a circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 95, 45-54.
Xia, X., & Ruan, J. (2020). Analyzing barriers for developing a sustainable circular economy in agriculture in China Using Grey-DEMATEL approach. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(16), 6358.
Zanjani, S., Iranzadeh, S., Khadivi, A., Feghhi Farahmand, N. (2020), Designing a Corporate Growth Strategy Based on Ansoff Matrix Using Fuzzy Inference System, nnovation Management in Defense Organizations 3 (2), 151-178.
Zhang, J., Liu, H., Yu, G., Ruan, J., & Chan, F.T. A (2019). Three-Stage and Multi-Objective Stochastic Programming Model to Improve the Sustainable Rescue Ability by Considering Secondary Disasters in Emergency Logistics. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 135, 1145–1154.
Zimmer, L. (2006). Qualitative meta-synthesis: a question of dialoguing with texts», Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53(3): 311–318.
_||_Accorsi, R., Bortolini, M., Baruffaldi, G., Pilati, F., & Ferrari, E. (2017). Internet-of-things Paradigm in Food Supply Chains Control and Management. Procedia Manufacturing, 11, 889- 895.
Agyemang, M., Kusi-Sarpong, S., Khan, S. A., Mani, V., Rehman, S. T., & Kusi-Sarpong, H. (2019). Drivers and barriers to circular economy implementation: An explorative study in Pakistan’s automobile industry. Management Decision, 57(4), 971–994.
Al Hosni, I. S., Amoudi, O., & Callaghan, N. (2020). An exploratory study on challenges of circular economy in the built environment in Oman. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law, 173(3), 104–113.
Bai, C., Ahmadi, H. B., Moktadir, M. A., Kusi-Sarpong, S., & Liou, J. J. H. (2021). Analyzing the Interactions among the Challenges to Circular Economy Practices. IEEE Access, 9, 63199–63212.
Barros, J., Sandelowski, M. (2007). Handbook for synthesizing qualitative research, Springer publishing company Inc, 1-310.
Beaulieu L, Van Durme G, Arpin M-L. (2015). Circular economy: a critical literature review of con- cepts. Rep., CIRAIG.
Bianchini, A., Rossi, J., & Pellegrini, M. (2019). Overcoming the main barriers of circular economy implementation through a new visualization tool for circular business models. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(23), 6614.
Chen, W. K., Nalluri, V., Hung, H. C., Chang, M. C., & Lin, C. T. (2021). Apply dematel to analyzing key barriers to implementing the circular economy: An application for the textile sector. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(8), 3335.
Chen, F. H., Hsu, T. S. & Tzeng, G.H. (2011). A balanced scorecard approach to establish a performance evaluation and relationship model for hot spring hotels based on a hybrid MCDM model combining DEMATEL and ANP. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 908-932.
Cruz Rios, F., & Grau, D. (2019). Circular Economy in the Built Environment: Designing, Deconstructing, and Leasing Reusable Products. In book: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 1-94.
Garcés-Ayerbe, C., Rivera-Torres, P., Suárez-Perales, I., & Hiz, D. I. L. D. La. (2019). Is it possible to change from a linear to a circular economy? An overview of opportunities and barriers for european small and medium-sized enterprise companies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 1-15.
Genovese, A., Acquaye, A.A., Figueroa, A., & Koh, S.L. (2017). Sustainable supply chain management and the transition towards a circular economy: evidence and some applications. Omega, 66, 344–357.
Ghisellini, P., Cialani, C. & Ulgiati, S. (2016). A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 11-32.
Govindan, K., & Hasanagic, M. (2018). A systematic review on drivers, barriers, and practices towards circular economy: a supply chain perspective. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1–2), 278–311.
Graziano, M., Alexander, K. A., Liesch, M., Lema, E., & Torres, J. A. (2019) Understanding an emerging economic discourse through regional analysis: blue economy clusters in the US Great Lakes basin. Applied Geography, 105:111–123.
Guerra-Rodríguez, S., Oulego, P., Rodríguez, E., Singh, D. N., & Rodríguez-Chueca, J. (2020). Towards the implementation of circular economy in the wastewater sector: Challenges and opportunities. Water (Switzerland), 12(5), 1431.
Haleem, A., Khan, S., Pundir, H., Jain, A., Upadhyay, P., & Khan, M. I. (2021). Investigating barriers toward the implementation of circular economy: A fuzzy critic approach. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management, 6(1), 107–139.
Hosseini-Motlagh, S. M., Nouri-Harzvili, M., Choi, T. M., Ebrahimi, S. (2019). Reverse supply chain systems optimization with dual channel and demand disruptions: Sustainability, CSR investment and pricing coordination. Information Sciences, 503, 606-634.
Joshi, P., & Visvanathan, C. (2019). Sustainable management practices of food waste in Asia: Technological and policy drivers. Journal of Environmental Management, 247, 538–550.
Karuppiah, K., Sankaranarayanan, B., Ali, S. M., Jabbour, C. J. C., & Bhalaji, A. K. A. (2021). Inhibitors to circular economy practices in the leather industry using an integrated approach: Implications for sustainable development goals in emerging economies. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 1554-1568.
Kirchherr, J., Piscicelli, L., Bour, R., Kostense-Smit, E., Muller, J., Huibrechtse-Truijens, A., & Hekkert, M. (2018). Barriers to the Circular Economy: Evidence From the European Union (EU). Ecological Economics, 150, 264–272.
Korhonen, J., Honkasalo, A., & Seppälä, J. (2018). Circular Economy: The Concept and its Limitations. Ecological Economics, 143, 37–46.
Kumar, V., Sezersan, I., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Gonzalez, E. D. R. S., & AL-Shboul, M. A. (2019). Circular economy in the manufacturing sector: benefits, opportunities and barriers. Management Decision, 57(4), 1067–1086.
Lin, R. J. (2013). Using fuzzy DEMATEL to evaluate the green supply chain management practices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 40, 32–39.
Mahpour, A. (2018). Prioritizing barriers to adopt circular economy in construction and demolition waste management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 134, 216–227.
Marković, M., Krstić, B., & Rađenović, T. (2020). Circular economy and sustainable development. In Economics of Sustainable Development, 2(3), 1143 – 1156.
Masi, D., Kumar, V., Garza-Reyes, J. A., & Godsell, J. (2018). Towards a more circular economy: exploring the awareness, practices, and barriers from a focal firm perspective. Production Planning and Control, 29(6), 539–550.
McDowall, W., Geng, Y., Huang, B., Barteková, E., Bleischwitz, R., Türkeli, S., Kemp, R., & Doménech, T. (2017). Circular economy policies in China and Europe. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(3), 651–661.
Morseletto, P. (2020). Targets for a circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 153, 104553.
Murray, A., Skene, K., & Haynes, K. (2017). The Circular Economy: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Concept and Application in a Global Context. Journal of Business Ethics, 140, 369–380.
Ormazabal, M., Prieto-Sandoval, V., Puga-Leal, R., & Jaca, C. (2018). Circular Economy in Spanish SMEs: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 185, 157–167.
Pomponi, F., & Moncaster, A. (2017). Circular economy for the built environment: A research framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 710–718.
Rajabipoor Meybodi, A., Mofatehzadeh, E., Kiani, M., & Zamzam, F. (2021). Designing the Model of Factors Affecting Green Supply Chain Establishment and Management: A Meta-synthesis Approach and Strategic Option (SODA) Analysis and Development. The Journal of Productivity Management, 15(1), 265-293. (In Persian).
Reuter, M. A., Van Schaik, A., Gutzmer, J., Bartie, N., & Abadías-Llamas, A. (2019). Challenges of the Circular Economy: A Material, Metallurgical, and Product Design Perspective. Annual Review of Materials Research, 49, 253–274.
Rodríguez-Antón, J. M., & Alonso-Almeida, M. D. (2019). The Circular Economy Strategy in Hospitality: A Multicase Approach. Sustainability, 11(20), 1-14.
Sandelowski, M., Barroso, J., & Voils, C. I. (2007). Using qualitative metasummary to synthesize qualitative and quantitative descriptive findings. Research in nursing & health, 30(1), 99-111.
Sangwan, K.S., Bhakar, V., & Digalwar, A.K. (2019). A sustainability assessment frame- work for cement industry e a case study. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 26, 470-497.
Sauve, S., Bernard, S., & Sloan, P. (2016). Environmental sciences, sustainable development and circular economy: alternative concepts for trans-disciplinary research. Environmental Development, 17, 48–56.
Singh, R. K., Kumar, A., Garza-Reyes, J. A., & de Sá, M. M. (2020). Managing operations for circular economy in the mining sector: An analysis of barriers intensity. Resources Policy, 69(4), pp 101752.
Smol, M., Kulczycka, J., Henclik, A., Gorazda, K., & Wzorek, Z. (2015). The possible use of sewage sludge ash (SSA) in the construction industry as a way towards a circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 95, 45-54.
Xia, X., & Ruan, J. (2020). Analyzing barriers for developing a sustainable circular economy in agriculture in China Using Grey-DEMATEL approach. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(16), 6358.
Zanjani, S., Iranzadeh, S., Khadivi, A., Feghhi Farahmand, N. (2020), Designing a Corporate Growth Strategy Based on Ansoff Matrix Using Fuzzy Inference System, nnovation Management in Defense Organizations 3 (2), 151-178.
Zhang, J., Liu, H., Yu, G., Ruan, J., & Chan, F.T. A (2019). Three-Stage and Multi-Objective Stochastic Programming Model to Improve the Sustainable Rescue Ability by Considering Secondary Disasters in Emergency Logistics. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 135, 1145–1154.
Zimmer, L. (2006). Qualitative meta-synthesis: a question of dialoguing with texts», Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53(3): 311–318.