Comparative evaluation of qualitative, microbial and oxidative parameters of village and commercial egg in Semnan
Subject Areas : Food HygieneA. jebelli javan 1 , N. Izadi Vasfi 2 , Z. Sharifi 3 , Z. Esmaeili 4 , F. Asadi 5 , M. Kanani 6
1 - Associate Professor of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
2 - M. Sc Student in Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
3 - M. Sc Student in Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
4 - M. Sc Student in Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
5 - Bachelor of Veterinary Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
6 - Food Hygiene Lab Technician, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: village, commercial, Eggs, Quality Comparison,
Abstract :
Many people prefer village eggs because of their good taste, bold yolk, and golden skin than commercial eggs, and some people are more interested in commercial eggs because of their production and expiration date codes, and the question always arises which one has a more desirable quality, so this research is aimed at comparing qualitative, microbial and oxidative parameters in the village and commercial eggs in Semnan. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 75 village and 75 commercial egg samples were collected by random sampling method from retail stores of Semnan and transferred to food hygiene laboratory under cold and sterile conditions to determine qualitative parameters (Haugh unit, egg weight, yolk index, pH, yolk color) and also microbial and oxidative parameters. Village eggs in qualitative parameters except for weight had higher rates compared to commercial eggs (P< 0.05) and in a* and L* color index there was no significant difference in the village and commercial samples. In terms of microbial and oxidative parameters, the comparison of averages showed that village eggs were significantly higher in the overall shell-level and internal egg mesophilic bacterial counts, as well as the village eggs, showed a higher amount of lipid peroxidation compared to commercial ones (P< 0.05). The findings of this study showed that village eggs accounted for more in terms of bacterial counts and the rate of oxidative breakdown, but due to yellow color index and viscosity, they are more marketable than commercial eggs.
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- Biglari Khoshmaram, N., Mahmoudi, R., Ghajar Beygi, P., Khedmati, M. and Ebrahimi, (2018). The effect of cold-water egg shell washing on its physicochemical quality during storage in a refrigerator. Scientific Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, 22)1): 24-30. [In Persian]
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- Doulat, , Mahzounieh, M. and Shams, N. (2018). Prevalence and comparison of Salmonella Serotypes in Indigenous and Industrial Chicken eggs collected from Khoramabad using culture and PCR methods. Iranian Journal of medical microbiology, 12(2): 88-95. [In Persian]
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- Giampietro, A., Scatolini, AM., Boiago, M.M., Coró, D., Souza Alves, H.B., Souza, PA., et al. (2008). Estudo da metodologia de TBARS em ovos. Produção Animal, 18(1): 18-25.
- Ghasemian safari, H., Jalali, M., Hosseini, A. and Narimani, T. (2011). The prevalence of bacterial contamination of table eggs from retails markets by Salmonella spp, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter jejuni, coli in Shahrekord. Iran. Jundishapur Journal Microbiology, 4(4): 249-253.
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- Hosseini Sir, A., Saki, A., Tabatabaei, M., Arabi, A., Ahmadi, A. and Ashori, N. (2010). Effect of storage conditions and age of hens on egg quality. Iranian Journal of Animal Science, 2) 1: (1-10. [In Persian]
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- John Cassius, M., Gadzikanani, K.M. and James Buti, M. (2016). External and internal characteristics of ostrich eggs from Dibete Ostrich farm Published. International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(9):1397-1404.
- Khakpour, and Bozorgnia, M. (2011). Determination of bacterial commonalities in shells and yolks of eggs with contaminated and clean shells supplied in Tabriz. Food Hygiene, 1(2):17-27. [In Persian]
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- Mohammadi, Sh., Ghanbarzadeh, B., Sooti, M., Ghiasifar, Sh. and Galali, H. (2012). Application of active carboxymethylcellulose-based active coatings containing oleic acid and antimicrobial compounds to improve the quality and increase the shelf life of eggs. Iranian Journal of Food Science, 8(2): 235-44. [In Persian]
- Nongtaodum, S., Jangchud, A., Jangchud, K., Dhamvithee, P. and Prinyawiwatkul, W. (2013). Oil coating affects internal quality and sensory acceptance of selected attributes of raw eggs during storage. Journal of Food Science, 78: 329–335.
- Pirhajati Mahabadi, R., Tabibi, M., Yaghoubi, S., Bakhtiarizadeh, F. and Mousavi, N. (2016). Investigation of antibiotic resistance in bacteria isolated from the contents and shell of industrial eggs in Qom city, Iran. Qom University of Medical Science Journal, 9(11): 69-75. [In Persian]
- Piran, A., Nobakht, A. and Khodaei, S. (2011). Effects of using probiotics, acid and a mixture of several medicinal plants on yield, egg quality and biochemical parameters and blood safety of laying hens. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Tabriz Islamic Azad University, 5 (1): 1111-1122. [In Persian]
- Rezaei, M., Zakizadeh, S. and Eila, N. (2019). Effects of pigments extracted from the marigold flower on egg quality and oxidative stability of the egg yolk lipids in laying hens. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 9(3): 541-547. [In Persian]
- Ranjbar, M., Alijani, S., Mirghelenj, S. and Daghighkia, H. (2016). Estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters for internal egg quality traits of Azerbaijan native chickens. Journal of Animal Science Research, 26(3): 15-22. [In Persian]
- Soleimani, H., Torshizi, V. and Eskandari, MP. (2017). Estimate of genetic parameters of egg quality traits in Mazandaran native hens. Iranian Journal of Animal Science, 48(1): 61-67. [In Persian]
- Samani, N., Habibian, Z., Dehkordi, S., Fallah, A., Alizadeh, A. and Bahadoran, Sh. (2018). Comparison of the protective effect of clove essential oil and vitamin C on the toxicity of lead accumulation. Pathobiology Research, 21(1): 1-6. [In Persian]
- Vivian, F., Nicoloso, S., Coldebella, A. and Giovanni, p. (2017). Egg quality assessment at different storage conditions, seasons and laying hen strains. Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, 41(3): 322-333.
- Wardy, W., Martinez, K.D.P., Xu, Z., No, H.K. and Prinyawiwatkul, W. (2014). Viscosity changes of chitosan solution affect physico-functional properties and consumer perception of coated eggs during storage. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 55(1): 67–73.
- Wang, Q., Jin, G.,Wang, N., Guo, X. and Jin, Y. (2017): Lipolysis and oxidation of lipids during egg storage at different temperatures. Czech Journal Food Science, 35(3): 229–235.
- Yakubu, A., Ogah, D.M. and R.E. (2008). Productivity and egg quality characteristics of free-range naked neck and normal feathered Nigerian indigenous chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7 (6): 579-585.
- Asadi, F., Shariatmadary, F. and Karimi, M.A. (2012). Pickled The effect of different sources and levels of aluminum on the performance of laying hens, egg quality and egg richness. Journal of Animal Science Research, 3(4): 344-350. [In Persian]
- Anielli, S., Tavares, T., Santos, D. and Flávia Santos Coeilho, A. (2013). Quality of eggs sold in different commercial establishments and the study of the conditions of storage. Food Science and Technology, 34(1): 82-87.
- Biglari Khoshmaram, N., Mahmoudi, R., Ghajar Beygi, P., Khedmati, M. and Ebrahimi, (2018). The effect of cold-water egg shell washing on its physicochemical quality during storage in a refrigerator. Scientific Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, 22)1): 24-30. [In Persian]
- Bhajantri, Sh. (2011). Production, processing and marketing of potato in Karnataka (India) An Economic Analysis, Department of Agricultural Marketing, Co-Operation and Business Management Univesity of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, pp. 1-93.
- Baqery, , Kashaninejad, M., Ziaifar, M. and Alamy, M. (2016). Evaluating the color parameters, humidity and energy consumption during roasting ground brains using hot air. Journal of New Food Technologies, 11: 59-71. [In Persian]
- Caner, C. and Cansiz, O. (2008). Chitosan coating minimizes eggshell breakage and improves egg quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88(1): 56-61.
- Cahyadi, M., Fauzy, R. and Dewanti, R. (2019). Egg Production Traits and Egg Quality Characteristics in Black and Brown Plumage Color Lines of Japanese Quail. Department of Animal Science, 16(43): 1-17.
- Duman, M., Sekeroglu, A.,Yıldırım, A., Eleroglu, H. and Camci, O. (2016). Relation between egg shape index and egg quality characteristics. European Poultry Science, 80:1-9.
- Doulat, , Mahzounieh, M. and Shams, N. (2018). Prevalence and comparison of Salmonella Serotypes in Indigenous and Industrial Chicken eggs collected from Khoramabad using culture and PCR methods. Iranian Journal of medical microbiology, 12(2): 88-95. [In Persian]
- El-Safty, S. (2015). Ostrich’s eggs: The productivity, quality and hatchability. World’s Poult. Sciences Jornal, 16(43): 1-17.
- Emamgholi Begli, , Zerehdaran, S., Hassani, S., Khan Ahmadi, AR. and Abbasi, MA. (2010). Estimation of genetic and phenotypic correlations for performance and egg quality traits in native fowls of Yazd province. Agricultural Sciences and Neutral Resources, 20(1). [In Persian]
- Freitas, L.W., Paz, I.C.L.A., Garcia, R.G., Caldara, F.R., Seno, L.O., Felix, G.A., et al. (2011). Aspectos qualitativos de ovos comerciais submetidos adiferentes condições de armazenamento. Revista Agraria, 4(11): 66-72.
- Faitarone, A.B., Garcia, E.A., Roca, R.O., Andrade, E.N.I.V., Vercese, F.V. and Pelícia, K.V. (2016). Yolk color and lipid oxidation of the eggs of commercial white layers fed diets supplemented with vegetable oils. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 18(1): 9-16.
- Fernanda, P., Miriam, M.S., Antonio, A.D., Vicente José, M., Arnaldo, A. and Miriam Coelho, S. (2015). Influence of natural and synthetic carotenoids on the color of egg yolk. Food and Nutrition Pádua Dias, 73(3): 234-242.
- Giampietro, A., Scatolini, AM., Boiago, M.M., Coró, D., Souza Alves, H.B., Souza, PA., et al. (2008). Estudo da metodologia de TBARS em ovos. Produção Animal, 18(1): 18-25.
- Ghasemian safari, H., Jalali, M., Hosseini, A. and Narimani, T. (2011). The prevalence of bacterial contamination of table eggs from retails markets by Salmonella spp, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter jejuni, coli in Shahrekord. Iran. Jundishapur Journal Microbiology, 4(4): 249-253.
- Hossini, SV., Abedini, MR. and Asgari, JG. (2010). The effect of marketing methods on egg quality in Tehran. Journal Animal Environ, 1(5): 45-54. [In Persian]
- Hosseini Sir, A., Saki, A., Tabatabaei, M., Arabi, A., Ahmadi, A. and Ashori, N. (2010). Effect of storage conditions and age of hens on egg quality. Iranian Journal of Animal Science, 2) 1: (1-10. [In Persian]
- Hamedi, A.A.R., Parizadeh, S.M.J. and Ghanaat, J. (2002). Study of contamination to Salmonella in two groups egg (commercial and local). Medical Journal of Mashhad University of Medical Science, 76:67-71. [In Persian]
- John Cassius, M., Gadzikanani, K.M. and James Buti, M. (2016). External and internal characteristics of ostrich eggs from Dibete Ostrich farm Published. International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(9):1397-1404.
- Khakpour, and Bozorgnia, M. (2011). Determination of bacterial commonalities in shells and yolks of eggs with contaminated and clean shells supplied in Tabriz. Food Hygiene, 1(2):17-27. [In Persian]
- Karim, G. (2008). Microbial Practice in Food: Tehran University Press, 3th edit, 23-28. [In Persian]
- Lake, R., Hudson, A., Cressey, P. and Gilbert, S. (2004). Risk profile: Salmonella (nontyphoidal) in and on eggs. New Zealand. ACRI.
- Mohammadi, Sh., Ghanbarzadeh, B., Sooti, M., Ghiasifar, Sh. and Galali, H. (2012). Application of active carboxymethylcellulose-based active coatings containing oleic acid and antimicrobial compounds to improve the quality and increase the shelf life of eggs. Iranian Journal of Food Science, 8(2): 235-44. [In Persian]
- Nongtaodum, S., Jangchud, A., Jangchud, K., Dhamvithee, P. and Prinyawiwatkul, W. (2013). Oil coating affects internal quality and sensory acceptance of selected attributes of raw eggs during storage. Journal of Food Science, 78: 329–335.
- Pirhajati Mahabadi, R., Tabibi, M., Yaghoubi, S., Bakhtiarizadeh, F. and Mousavi, N. (2016). Investigation of antibiotic resistance in bacteria isolated from the contents and shell of industrial eggs in Qom city, Iran. Qom University of Medical Science Journal, 9(11): 69-75. [In Persian]
- Piran, A., Nobakht, A. and Khodaei, S. (2011). Effects of using probiotics, acid and a mixture of several medicinal plants on yield, egg quality and biochemical parameters and blood safety of laying hens. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Tabriz Islamic Azad University, 5 (1): 1111-1122. [In Persian]
- Rezaei, M., Zakizadeh, S. and Eila, N. (2019). Effects of pigments extracted from the marigold flower on egg quality and oxidative stability of the egg yolk lipids in laying hens. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 9(3): 541-547. [In Persian]
- Ranjbar, M., Alijani, S., Mirghelenj, S. and Daghighkia, H. (2016). Estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters for internal egg quality traits of Azerbaijan native chickens. Journal of Animal Science Research, 26(3): 15-22. [In Persian]
- Soleimani, H., Torshizi, V. and Eskandari, MP. (2017). Estimate of genetic parameters of egg quality traits in Mazandaran native hens. Iranian Journal of Animal Science, 48(1): 61-67. [In Persian]
- Samani, N., Habibian, Z., Dehkordi, S., Fallah, A., Alizadeh, A. and Bahadoran, Sh. (2018). Comparison of the protective effect of clove essential oil and vitamin C on the toxicity of lead accumulation. Pathobiology Research, 21(1): 1-6. [In Persian]
- Vivian, F., Nicoloso, S., Coldebella, A. and Giovanni, p. (2017). Egg quality assessment at different storage conditions, seasons and laying hen strains. Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, 41(3): 322-333.
- Wardy, W., Martinez, K.D.P., Xu, Z., No, H.K. and Prinyawiwatkul, W. (2014). Viscosity changes of chitosan solution affect physico-functional properties and consumer perception of coated eggs during storage. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 55(1): 67–73.
- Wang, Q., Jin, G.,Wang, N., Guo, X. and Jin, Y. (2017): Lipolysis and oxidation of lipids during egg storage at different temperatures. Czech Journal Food Science, 35(3): 229–235.
- Yakubu, A., Ogah, D.M. and R.E. (2008). Productivity and egg quality characteristics of free-range naked neck and normal feathered Nigerian indigenous chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7 (6): 579-585.