Measurement and comparison of selenium in some marine, freshwater and farmed fishes of Ahwaz market
Subject Areas :
Food Science and Technology
M. Velayatzadeh
1 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Received: 2016-05-11
Accepted : 2018-03-04
Published : 2018-12-22
Marine fish,
Farmed fish,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to determine selenium concentration of 16 different species of fish marketed in Ahvaz. For this purpose, 96 samples were obtained randomly. The highest and lowest concentrations of selenium in marine fishes were measured in Liza klunzingeri and Platycephalus indicus (0.618±0.01 and 0.409±0.02 mg/Kg, respectively). Moreover, in freshwater fishes, the highest and lowest concentrations of selenium were found in Carasobarbus luteus and Barbus shrpeyi (0.291±0.01 and 0.251±0.02 mg/Kg, respectively). Among farmed fishes, the highest and lowest concentrations of selenium were determined in Oncorhynchus mykiss and Aristichthys nobilis (0.202±0.009 and 0.147±0.001 mg/Kg, respectively). The concentrations of selenium in marine, freshwater and farmed fishes were significantly different (P<0.05). The concentration of selenium in marine fishes was higher than the freshwater and farmed fishes. However, in farmed fishes was lower than the marine and freshwater fishes. The pattern of selenium accumulation in three types of fishes was found as marine fishes > freshwater fishes > farmed fishes. In this study concentration of selenium in the muscle of 16 species of fish was lower than standards limit (2 mg/Kg).
· Ahmad, A.K. and Shuhaimi-Othman, M. (2010). Heavy metal concentration in sediments and fishes from Lake Chini, Pahang, Malaysia. Journal of Biological Sciences, 10 (2): 93-100.
· Al-Yousuf, M.H., El-Shahawi, M.S. and Al-Ghais, S.M. (2000). Trace metals in liver, skin and muscle of Lethrinus lentjan fish species in relation to body length and sex. Science of the Total Environment, 256: 87-94.
· Askary Sary, A. and Velayatzadeh, M. (2014). Heavy metals in aquatics. Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Publication, 1st Edition, pp. 380. [In Persian]
· Canli, M. and Atli, G. (2003). The relationship between heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) levels and the size of six Mediterranean fish species. Journal of Environmental Pollution, 121: 129-136.
· Diets, C., Landaluze, J.S. and Embun, P.X. (2003). Volatile organoselenium speciation in biological matter by solid phase micro extraction moderate temperature multi capillary gas chromatography with microwave induced plasma atomic spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 501: 157-167.
· Eboh, L., Mepba, H.D. and Ekp, M.B. (2006). Heavy metal contaminants and processing effects on the composition, storage stability and fatty acid profiles of five common commercially available fish species in Oron Local Government, Nigeria. Food Chemistry, 97 (3): 490-497.
· Esmaili Sari, A. (2002). Pollution, Health and Environmental Standards. Naghshmehr Publisher. Tehran, pp. 767. [In Persian]
· Hamilton, S.J. (2004). Review of selenium toxicity in the aquatic food chain. Science of the Total Environment, 326: 1-31.
· Hodson, P.V., Spry, D.J. and Blunt, B.R. (1980). Effects on rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) of a chronic exposure to waterborne selenium. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 37: 233-240.
· Hodson, P.V. and Hilton, J.W. (1983). The nutritional requirements and toxicity to fish of dietary and waterborne selenium. In: Environmental Biogeochemistry, R. Hallberg ed. Ecological Bulletin, 35: 335-340.
· Jangaran-Nejad, A. and Ashtari, A. (2013). A review on essential and non-essential trace elements for fish and damages caused by these toxic elements. Feyz, 16 (7): 699-700. [In Persian]
· Jordao, C.P., Pereira, M.G., Bellato, C.R., Pereira, J.L. and Matos, A.T. (2002). Assessment of water systems for contaminants from domestic and industrial sewages. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 79(1): 75–100.
· Koshafar, A. and Velayatzadeh, M. (2015). Comparison of bioaccumulation of heavy metals in muscle of two species Liza abu and Acanthopagrus latus from Bahmanshir River in summer. Wetland Ecobiology, 6 (4): 59-72. [In Persian]
· Laimanso, R.Y., Cheung, R.Y. and Chan, K.W. (1999). Metal concentrations in the tissues of Rabbitfish (Siganus oramin) collected from Tolo Harbour and Victoria Harbour in Hong kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 39 (1): 234-238.
· Lavilla, I., Vilas, P. and Bendicho, C. (2008). Fast determination of arsenic, selenium, nickel and vanadium in fish and shellfish by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry following ultrasound-assisted extraction. Food Chemistry, 106: 403-409.
· Lemly, A.D. (1993). Metabolic stress during winter increases the toxicity of selenium to fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 27: 133-158.
· Lemly, A.D. (1997). Environmental implications of excessive selenium: a review. Biomedical and Environmental Safety 37: 259-266.
· Miloskovic, A. and Simic, V. (2015). Arsenic and Other Trace Elements in Five Edible Fish Species in Relation to Fish Size and Weight and Potential Health Risks for Human Consumption. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24 (1): 199-206.
· Netteleton, J.A. (1987). Sea Food and Health. 75-76.
· Olowu, R.A., Ayejuyo, O.O., Adewuyi, G.U., Adejoro, I.A., Denloye, A.A.B., Babatunde, A.O. and Ogundajo, A.L. (2010). Determination of heavy metals in fish tissues, water and sediment from Epe and Badagry Lagoons, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Chemistry, 7 (1): 215-221.
· Plessi, M., Bertelli, D. and Monzani, A. (2001). Mercury and selenium content in selected seafood. Journal of Food composition and Analysis, 14: 461-467.
· Qin, D., Jiang, H., Bai, S., Tang, S. and Mou, Z. (2015). Determination of 28 trace elements in three farmed cyprinid fish species from Northeast China. Food Control, 50: 1-8.
· Romeo, M., Siau, Y., Sidoumou, Z. and Gnassia-Barelli, M. (1999). Heavy metal distribution in different fish species from the Mauritania coast. Journal of Sciences Total Environment, 232: 169-175.
· Rouessac, F. and Rouessac, A. (2007). Chemical Analysis Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques. 2nd Edition, England, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
· Safari, S., Keyvan Shokoh, S., Zakeri, M. and Johari, A. (2014). Selenium: Functional and biological processes in overgrown fish. First National Conference on Sustainable Development of Sea-Axis, Khorramshahr, Khorramshahr Marine Science and Technology University, 5 p. [In Persian].
· Salmani Nodoushan M.H., Abedi, M. and Vakilli, M. (2013). Selenium and human health. Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, 21 (1): 101-112. [In Persian]
· Sinka Karimi, M.H., Hassanpour, M. and Ahmadpour, M. (2015). Concentration of selenium and vanadium in Clupeonella cultiventris caspia and Alosa caspia and their consumption risk assessment from southern coast Caspian Sea. Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (47): 1-9 [In Persian]
Tabaraki, N., Givianrad, M. H., Vosoughi, Gh. and Mashinchian, A. (2011). Speciation Analysis of Selenium Compounds and Assessment of Toxicity in Fish Sciaenidae Family. Food Technology and Nutrition, 8 (1): 59-65. [In Persian]
· Ahmad, A.K. and Shuhaimi-Othman, M. (2010). Heavy metal concentration in sediments and fishes from Lake Chini, Pahang, Malaysia. Journal of Biological Sciences, 10 (2): 93-100.
· Al-Yousuf, M.H., El-Shahawi, M.S. and Al-Ghais, S.M. (2000). Trace metals in liver, skin and muscle of Lethrinus lentjan fish species in relation to body length and sex. Science of the Total Environment, 256: 87-94.
· Askary Sary, A. and Velayatzadeh, M. (2014). Heavy metals in aquatics. Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Publication, 1st Edition, pp. 380. [In Persian]
· Canli, M. and Atli, G. (2003). The relationship between heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) levels and the size of six Mediterranean fish species. Journal of Environmental Pollution, 121: 129-136.
· Diets, C., Landaluze, J.S. and Embun, P.X. (2003). Volatile organoselenium speciation in biological matter by solid phase micro extraction moderate temperature multi capillary gas chromatography with microwave induced plasma atomic spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 501: 157-167.
· Eboh, L., Mepba, H.D. and Ekp, M.B. (2006). Heavy metal contaminants and processing effects on the composition, storage stability and fatty acid profiles of five common commercially available fish species in Oron Local Government, Nigeria. Food Chemistry, 97 (3): 490-497.
· Esmaili Sari, A. (2002). Pollution, Health and Environmental Standards. Naghshmehr Publisher. Tehran, pp. 767. [In Persian]
· Hamilton, S.J. (2004). Review of selenium toxicity in the aquatic food chain. Science of the Total Environment, 326: 1-31.
· Hodson, P.V., Spry, D.J. and Blunt, B.R. (1980). Effects on rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) of a chronic exposure to waterborne selenium. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 37: 233-240.
· Hodson, P.V. and Hilton, J.W. (1983). The nutritional requirements and toxicity to fish of dietary and waterborne selenium. In: Environmental Biogeochemistry, R. Hallberg ed. Ecological Bulletin, 35: 335-340.
· Jangaran-Nejad, A. and Ashtari, A. (2013). A review on essential and non-essential trace elements for fish and damages caused by these toxic elements. Feyz, 16 (7): 699-700. [In Persian]
· Jordao, C.P., Pereira, M.G., Bellato, C.R., Pereira, J.L. and Matos, A.T. (2002). Assessment of water systems for contaminants from domestic and industrial sewages. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 79(1): 75–100.
· Koshafar, A. and Velayatzadeh, M. (2015). Comparison of bioaccumulation of heavy metals in muscle of two species Liza abu and Acanthopagrus latus from Bahmanshir River in summer. Wetland Ecobiology, 6 (4): 59-72. [In Persian]
· Laimanso, R.Y., Cheung, R.Y. and Chan, K.W. (1999). Metal concentrations in the tissues of Rabbitfish (Siganus oramin) collected from Tolo Harbour and Victoria Harbour in Hong kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 39 (1): 234-238.
· Lavilla, I., Vilas, P. and Bendicho, C. (2008). Fast determination of arsenic, selenium, nickel and vanadium in fish and shellfish by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry following ultrasound-assisted extraction. Food Chemistry, 106: 403-409.
· Lemly, A.D. (1993). Metabolic stress during winter increases the toxicity of selenium to fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 27: 133-158.
· Lemly, A.D. (1997). Environmental implications of excessive selenium: a review. Biomedical and Environmental Safety 37: 259-266.
· Miloskovic, A. and Simic, V. (2015). Arsenic and Other Trace Elements in Five Edible Fish Species in Relation to Fish Size and Weight and Potential Health Risks for Human Consumption. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24 (1): 199-206.
· Netteleton, J.A. (1987). Sea Food and Health. 75-76.
· Olowu, R.A., Ayejuyo, O.O., Adewuyi, G.U., Adejoro, I.A., Denloye, A.A.B., Babatunde, A.O. and Ogundajo, A.L. (2010). Determination of heavy metals in fish tissues, water and sediment from Epe and Badagry Lagoons, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Chemistry, 7 (1): 215-221.
· Plessi, M., Bertelli, D. and Monzani, A. (2001). Mercury and selenium content in selected seafood. Journal of Food composition and Analysis, 14: 461-467.
· Qin, D., Jiang, H., Bai, S., Tang, S. and Mou, Z. (2015). Determination of 28 trace elements in three farmed cyprinid fish species from Northeast China. Food Control, 50: 1-8.
· Romeo, M., Siau, Y., Sidoumou, Z. and Gnassia-Barelli, M. (1999). Heavy metal distribution in different fish species from the Mauritania coast. Journal of Sciences Total Environment, 232: 169-175.
· Rouessac, F. and Rouessac, A. (2007). Chemical Analysis Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques. 2nd Edition, England, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
· Safari, S., Keyvan Shokoh, S., Zakeri, M. and Johari, A. (2014). Selenium: Functional and biological processes in overgrown fish. First National Conference on Sustainable Development of Sea-Axis, Khorramshahr, Khorramshahr Marine Science and Technology University, 5 p. [In Persian].
· Salmani Nodoushan M.H., Abedi, M. and Vakilli, M. (2013). Selenium and human health. Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, 21 (1): 101-112. [In Persian]
· Sinka Karimi, M.H., Hassanpour, M. and Ahmadpour, M. (2015). Concentration of selenium and vanadium in Clupeonella cultiventris caspia and Alosa caspia and their consumption risk assessment from southern coast Caspian Sea. Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (47): 1-9 [In Persian]
Tabaraki, N., Givianrad, M. H., Vosoughi, Gh. and Mashinchian, A. (2011). Speciation Analysis of Selenium Compounds and Assessment of Toxicity in Fish Sciaenidae Family. Food Technology and Nutrition, 8 (1): 59-65. [In Persian]