The Role of Classroom Dictation Activity as a kind of Dictogloss on Improving Accuracy and Complexity of Written Performance between Iranian Male and Female EFL Learners
Subject Areas : آموزش زبان انگلیسیFarnaz Sahebkheir 1 , Fatemeh Salehi 2
1 - Department of English Language Teaching, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Department of English Language Teaching, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: accuracy, complexity, dictation, dictogloss, written performance,
Abstract :
Dictation is a method in which learners receive speaking input which can foster their writing skill, so this quasi - experimental study attempts to investigate the role of classroom dictation activity as a kind of dicto-gloss on improving accuracy and complexity of written performance between Iranian male and female EFL learners. For this aim, 40 male and female learners were chosen out of 59 students. Then, by administrating a Preliminary English Test (PET) 40 homogeneous participants were selected as final sample of this study. The first language of the learners was Azerbaijani Turkish and they were intermediate-level learners. Then, they were randomly divided into two intact groups, one consisting of 20 male students and the other one 20 female students. Before manipulating treatment, the participants took part in the pretest to check their accuracy and complexity of their written performance. After 10 sessions, they took part in the post-test. The data collected in this study were analyzed through independent samples t-test. Both groups in the post test had higher scores in accuracy and complexity than the pre-test. However, the findings revealed that female group significantly outperformed the male group on the post test, in terms of both their accuracy and complexity of written performance. In conclusion, it could be stated that classroom dictation activity as a kind of dictogloss can be effective method that can enhance Iranian EFL learners’ accuracy and complexity of writing. The results of the study would be significant for EFL/ESL teachers, English language institutes, and teachers.
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