Gharari marriage and its effect on marriage from the perspective of imami and Hanfi jurists
Subject Areas : Woman and familyjamshid Abdoyi 1 , Reza Ranjbar 2
1 - PhD student in jurisprudence and fundamentals of law, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Fiqh and Basics of Islamic Law, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran (Responsible Author)Email:
Keywords: Imami jurisprudence, Hanafi jurisprudence, Gharar contract, Nikah,
Abstract :
Context and purpose: There are two general and specific readings about the rule of negation. For this reason, three jurisprudential views have been formed regarding the scope of the rule of negation of gharr: The first view considers negation of gharr as abbreviated to sale and lease, the second view considers barter contracts as subject to the provisions of negation of gharr, the third view accepts the application of the rule and negation . Gharar is considered necessary in all contracts. As a result of this disagreement, the question is whether gharar is prohibited from the marriage contract or not. Considering that there is a difference in the nature of the marriage contract among the jurists, the purpose of the present study is to examine the nature of the marriage contract and explain the effects of the Gharari contract in the view of Imamiyyah and Hanafiyyah jurists. Materials and methods: This research is of a theoretical type, the research method is descriptive-analytical, and the method of collecting information is a library, and it was done by referring to documents, books and articles. Ethical considerations: In all stages of writing the present research, while respecting the originality of the texts, honesty and trustworthiness have been observed. Findings: The findings of the present research show that gharar is included in the dowry in the marriage contract and is not in the marriage contract itself, because the marriage is a contract that is not invalidated by the unknown exchange, and the Hanafi jurists include gharar in the dowry in a figurative way. have known that there is ignorance in the form of dowry. Result: To determine the position of gharar in marriage, we must first explain and specify the month of the marriage contract. There are two views in this regard. For they know A marriage contract is also necessary and necessary, in contrast to some people, considering the sanctity of the family institution and its importance, and the discovery of the legality of the marriage contract, it is not merely a contract of exchange, and it is not possible to exchange dowry, for example.
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