Structural Model of Academic procrastination Based on Learning Strategies and Style by Mediating Achievement Motivation
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychology
Bahram mirzaian
kheirolnesa shirdel
mohammad kazem fakhri
1 - Assistent university
2 - phd.psychology
3 - Asisstent university
Keywords: Academic Procrastination, " Learning Strategies, " documents styel" Achievement Motivation,
Abstract :
Abstract Structural Model of Academic procrastination Based on Learning Strategies and Style by Mediating Achievement Motivation The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural model of academic procrastination based on learning strategies and documentary style by mediating the achievement motivation. The research method was descriptive correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of all students of the second and middle school boys and girls in the academic year 1396-1395. 375 students were selected by stratified random sampling method and cluster sampling method. In order to collect data, Inferential statistics of path analysis and structural equations were used using liserl 8.85 software. The findings of the study showed that learning strategies documentary style by mediating the achievement motivation have the ability to predict Academic procrastination, Also, among the components of learning strategies, cognitive learning strategies with the standard coefficient (0.82) have the greatest contribution in predicting the variables of academic procrastination.