Examining the prohibition of usury as one of the ways to fight economic poverty from the perspective of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public law
عبدالکریم گل گون
Hormoz Asadi Koohbad
1 - PhD student, Department of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran, (Responsible Author):University PR.Asadi.koohbad@gmail.com
Keywords: justice, Usury, Economy, poverty, Holy Quran,
Abstract :
The ominous phenomenon of poverty has always had destructive effects on society and is one of the major obstacles to the happiness of human societies. The Holy Quran has provided ways to solve this social scourge and has dealt with it with negative and positive methods. On the one hand, banning usury and prohibiting the reproduction of wealth, and on the other hand, by establishing important and influential social institutions, such as khums, zakat, loans, endowment, endowment, and advice to work and effort, in order to solve this scourge of burning women. has taken care Despite the fact that all Muslims agree on the sanctity of riba in Islam, there is no exact definition of riba among Muslims. In the past, the majority of Islamic scholars, like Christians, considered all kinds of interest on money as equivalent to usury, but today, most Islamic scholars consider riba not just any kind of interest, but equivalent to cruel interest. The subject of the research requires to be investigated at a deep level. therefore; The in-depth research plan of the subject has been investigated by means of a case study plan of library technology, due to the reference to the Holy Quran and authentic interpretations and documentary technology, and it has come to the conclusion that banning riba is one of the ways to deal with Poverty and support for the poor.
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