Factors affecting the acceptance and use of electronic commerce among the members of the faculty of physical education and sports sciences
Subject Areas :
sardar mohammadi
Reza Shafei
1 - University of Kurdistan
2 - Department of Business Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences , University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran
Received: 2022-11-16
Accepted : 2023-02-06
Published : 2023-02-20
Individual Factors,
Environmental factors,
physical education and sports sciences,
Faculty Members,
Electronic Commerce,
Abstract :
Recent advances in information and communication technology have followed a new wave of public acceptance to use this new advantage. E-commerce is considered one of these new benefits in line with the expansion of virtual businesses. In this regard, universities always play an important role in the development of electronic commerce as the origin of production and helping to accept technology. The present study investigated the factors affecting the acceptance and use of electronic commerce among the members of the faculty of physical education and sports sciences in the country. The statistical population included all the members of the scientific faculty of physical education and sports sciences in the number of 150 people based on Cochran's sampling method. The measurement tool included a researcher-made questionnaire of acceptance and use of electronic commerce and personal and environmental factors questionnaires from Lee and Azizi and Haj Karimi . According to experts, confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm construct validity, Cronbach's alpha was used for their reliability, and structural equation model was used to test hypotheses. The findings showed that among individual factors, direct experience, perceived risk, and perceived benefit have the greatest effect on the level of acceptance, and direct experience, expected risk, and knowledge have the greatest effect on the level of use of electronic commerce by the members of the education faculty. He has physical and sports sciences. It seems that the main reason for the lack of acceptance of internet transactions in Iran has its roots in personal
Ardiansah, M., Chariri, A., Rahardja, S., & Udin, U. (2020). The effect of electronic payments security on e-commerce consumer perception: An extended model of technology acceptance. Management Science Letters, 10(7), 1473-1480.
Asgarpour, SH. Mohajdi Mukher, M.; Bagheri Parmehar, S. (1401). Dampak indeks pengembangan e-niaga pada pasar tenaga kerja sektor jasa di Iran, ekonomi kuantitatif, publikasi online, https://doi.org/10.22055/jqe.2022.39893.2467 (Persian).
Ashairi, A (1400). Pengaruh orientasi pemasaran elektronik terhadap kinerja bisnis strategis, Jurnal Triwulanan Pendekatan Penelitian Baru dalam Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 5(66), 155-170. (Persian).
Berthon, pierre . pitt,leyiand .Berthon , jean- paul . Campbell,colin .Thwaites ,des (2008). E-Relationship for e-Readiness: Culture and corruption in international e-B2B ,Industrial Marketing Management 37, 83-91.
Bunker, M. P., and Ball, D. (2005). Transference: the effect of relationship history on consumers' Relationships with Other Firms. Advances in Consumer Research, 32, 507-513.
Chaffey, D. (2002) “E-business and e-commerce management” Financial Times/Prentice Hall, Harlow, UK.
Cousins ,k.c.,& Robey,d. (2005). The social shaping of electronic metals exchanges: An institutional theory perspective. Information Technology & people.18 (3), 212-229.
Del Afrouz, N., Taqvi, A; Ghasemi, A; Jafari, S. (2018). Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan e-commerce dengan penekanan pada peran jejaring sosial, Manajemen Bisnis, 11(43), 70-87. (Persian).
Dong, B., Evans, K. R., and Zou, S. (2008). The effects of customer participation in co-created service recovery. J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci., 36, 123-137.
Dubelaar,c., Sohal, A.,Savic ,V., (2005). Benefits .impediments and critical success factors in B2C e-business adoption. Technovation 25(11), 1251-1262.
Ferokhzad and et al.(2004). Maturity Model for e-commerce companies exporting to Iran , Moseseyeh motaleat And Peghoheshhayeh bazergani, FeRhange modirit, 4(13): 5-36.
Fui-Hoon Nah, Fiona, Davis, Sid, (2002), HCI Research Issues in Electronic Commerce, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.
Gefen, (2000), E-commerce: the role of familiarity and trust, Omega 28 (6) 725 –737.
Ghafari Ashtiani, P.; Hari, M.; Gholami, B (1390). Investigasi peran kepercayaan elektronik dan norma subyektif dalam penerimaan situs web e-commerce oleh pelanggan (studi kasus: Perusahaan Kereta Penumpang Raja), Manajemen Pemasaran, 12(1), 63-81. (Persian).
Glantz ,d.,(1999). The national technology readiness survey: -executive summary. Retrieved December 2004 from (rockresearrch.com).
Haj Kerimi, abbasali: Azizi, Shahriar: Akhewan kherazian, Meryem.,(2009). Designing a model of the factors affecting the implementation of electronic commerce in SMEs. Danesh and Tosaeh Journal, 16(27),; 10-21.
Hanefizadeh, Peyam; Rezaii, Mehrdad.,(2010). Definitions, Challenges and Solutions Ele tronic Commerce, Termeh Publisher, 3th, Tehran.
Hoseini, Hamid Khodadad; Shirkhodaii, Meisem; Kordnanig, Asedolla.,(2008). Factors affecting customer confidence in electronic commerce (Model B2C). Moders Olom Enasani Joirnal, 13(61): 93-118.
Hosseini, M.; Farahani, A; Termazade Yazdi, M. (2015). Peran e-commerce dalam pemasaran merek olahraga, konferensi internasional ketiga tentang pendidikan jasmani dan ilmu olahraga, Teheran. (Persian).
Jwanmerd, Habibollah: Soltanzadeh, Aliakber.,(2009). Characteristics are Internet and the Web Site and its effect on trust and customer loyalty (Case study: Order of cultural products through the Internet) Paghoheshnameh bazergani, 53: 45-35.
Kazemi, Mehdi; Beridneziif, Yehya., (2011). Perceived justice of service recovery and its impact on consumer confidence in the company's domestic air passenger. Pejhoheshnameh modiriet tehewol, 2(3): 111-123.
Changsu, Tao. Wang, Shin. Namchul and Kim. Ki-Soo (2010). An empirical study of customers’ perceptions of security and trust in e-payment systems, Omega 35 , 22 – 38.
P, (2003)“Marketing Management” prentice –Hall, London, p 340.
Laudon, C., Laudon ,J. P.,(2004). Management Information Systems,eight ed. Prentice-Hall.Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Matthew K. O. and Turban,Efraim (2009). A Trust Model for Consumer Internet Shopping, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 75–91.
Levy Margi . Powell ,Philip (2003). Exploring SME Internet Adoption: Towards a Contingent Model Internet adoption, in both large and small firms (SMEs)" Electronic Markets,vol13, no2, pp173-181.
Lotfi, KH. Askarian, F; Lotfi Yamchi, S. (2015). "Investigasi keterbatasan teknis dan non-teknis e-commerce barang olahraga (studi kasus: provinsi Azerbaijan Timur)". Jurnal manajemen olahraga dan perilaku gerakan, nomor 24, musim gugur dan musim dingin 2015, hlm. 95-106. (Persian).
Marsito, M., & Purnia, D. S. (2022). IMPLEMENTASI RAD PADA E-COMMERCE SEPATU (STUDY KASUS BUANA SPORTS TANGERANG). EVOLUSI: Jurnal Sains dan Manajemen, 10(1). Marsito, M., & Purnia, D. S. (2022). IMPLEMENTASI RAD PADA E-COMMERCE SEPATU (STUDY KASUS BUANA SPORTS TANGERANG). EVOLUSI: Jurnal Sains dan Manajemen, 10(1).
Martin M. I., Maltay H. M., (2001). "Blanket approaches to promoting ICT in small firms: some lessons from the DTI ladder adoption model in the UK" Internet Research,vol11,no 5, pp 399-410.
Martinez-Lopez. Francisco J. and Montoro-Rios. Francisco J.,(2003). Modeling Consumer Trust in Internet Shopping based on the Standard Learning Hierarchy: A Structural Approach. Internet Research, vol11,no 5, pp 399-410.
Parasuraman ,A, (2010). Technology readiness index: a multiple- item scale to measure readiness to embrace new technology .Journal of Service Research 2 (4),307-320.
P.A. (2003). Consumer acceptance of electronic commerce—integrating trust and risk with the technology acceptance model, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 7 (3), pp. 69–103.
Rahimi Zadeh, M. (1400). Strategi dan konsekuensi perdagangan elektronik di industri olahraga Iran, Manajemen Olahraga 13(4), 1071-1091. (Persian).
Rayport j.f and Jaworski, B. j (2001). “Introduction to E-commerce” McGraw Hill,NewYork, pp 4-5.
Rizaldi, A., & Madany, Z. (2021). Impact of E-Commerce in Industry. International Journal of Research and Applied Technology (INJURATECH), 1(2), 283-288.
Rosta, Ahmed; Abulfezli, SaeidAbolfezl; Ghorbani, Hesen.,(2009). The role of non-confidence to avoid infringement of Internet advertising, Information Technology management Journal, 2(1): 67-77.
Saeed, Fethi; Shehryar, Azizi.,(2003). Measurement maturity level of e-commerce internet store of active. Economic and New business, 4(2): 44-61
Senayeei, Ali.,(2007). Electronic Commerce. Jehad Daneshgahi Publisher, 1th, Esfehan.
Senayeei, Ali; Ghaziferd, Amirmerhdi; Sobhan menesh, Firoz.,(2011). Factors affecting the development in technology, radio frequency identification RFID in supply chain management through electronic (E-SCM). New marketing research journal, 1(1): 66-87.
Shafeii, Reza; Shojaeii, Abdolnaser; AllahWeisi, Behareh.,(2010). The role of organizational knowledge management in e-commerce adoption in Iranian companies. 5th International e-commerce Conference, Kish, IRAN.
Syahmoradi, M.; Mirkazemi, A. (1400). Menyelidiki tantangan pengembangan e-commerce dalam olahraga, konferensi internasional pertama ilmu pendidikan, psikologi, ilmu olahraga dan pendidikan jasmani, Surrey, https://civilica.com/doc/1456331 (Persian).
Felix B, Sutherland. PauL(2004). “Online Consumer Trust: A Multi-Dimensional Model” the Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, Vol. 2, No.3,PP:40-58.
Sultan F,L. and W.J. Qualls(2000), “ Placing trust at the center of your Internet strategy” Sloan Management Review, Vol 42, No 1,pp 39– 48
Pauline A. (2003). “Business modeling with UML: the implementation of CRM systems for online retailing", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 10 181–191.
Yu Lai ,Jung .,Shyong Ong , Chorng, (2010). Assessing and managing employees for embracing change: A multiple –item scale to measure employee readiness for e-business., Technovation 30,76-85.
Zahrabi, F; Sabunchi, R.; Foroghipour, H (1400). Model kualitatif e-commerce produk olahraga negara, manajemen komunikasi di media olahraga, 8(3), 50-41. (Persian).
Ardiansah, M., Chariri, A., Rahardja, S., & Udin, U. (2020). The effect of electronic payments security on e-commerce consumer perception: An extended model of technology acceptance. Management Science Letters, 10(7), 1473-1480.
Asgarpour, SH. Mohajdi Mukher, M.; Bagheri Parmehar, S. (1401). Dampak indeks pengembangan e-niaga pada pasar tenaga kerja sektor jasa di Iran, ekonomi kuantitatif, publikasi online, https://doi.org/10.22055/jqe.2022.39893.2467 (Persian).
Ashairi, A (1400). Pengaruh orientasi pemasaran elektronik terhadap kinerja bisnis strategis, Jurnal Triwulanan Pendekatan Penelitian Baru dalam Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 5(66), 155-170. (Persian).
Berthon, pierre . pitt,leyiand .Berthon , jean- paul . Campbell,colin .Thwaites ,des (2008). E-Relationship for e-Readiness: Culture and corruption in international e-B2B ,Industrial Marketing Management 37, 83-91.
Bunker, M. P., and Ball, D. (2005). Transference: the effect of relationship history on consumers' Relationships with Other Firms. Advances in Consumer Research, 32, 507-513.
Chaffey, D. (2002) “E-business and e-commerce management” Financial Times/Prentice Hall, Harlow, UK.
Cousins ,k.c.,& Robey,d. (2005). The social shaping of electronic metals exchanges: An institutional theory perspective. Information Technology & people.18 (3), 212-229.
Del Afrouz, N., Taqvi, A; Ghasemi, A; Jafari, S. (2018). Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan e-commerce dengan penekanan pada peran jejaring sosial, Manajemen Bisnis, 11(43), 70-87. (Persian).
Dong, B., Evans, K. R., and Zou, S. (2008). The effects of customer participation in co-created service recovery. J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci., 36, 123-137.
Dubelaar,c., Sohal, A.,Savic ,V., (2005). Benefits .impediments and critical success factors in B2C e-business adoption. Technovation 25(11), 1251-1262.
Ferokhzad and et al.(2004). Maturity Model for e-commerce companies exporting to Iran , Moseseyeh motaleat And Peghoheshhayeh bazergani, FeRhange modirit, 4(13): 5-36.
Fui-Hoon Nah, Fiona, Davis, Sid, (2002), HCI Research Issues in Electronic Commerce, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.
Gefen, (2000), E-commerce: the role of familiarity and trust, Omega 28 (6) 725 –737.
Ghafari Ashtiani, P.; Hari, M.; Gholami, B (1390). Investigasi peran kepercayaan elektronik dan norma subyektif dalam penerimaan situs web e-commerce oleh pelanggan (studi kasus: Perusahaan Kereta Penumpang Raja), Manajemen Pemasaran, 12(1), 63-81. (Persian).
Glantz ,d.,(1999). The national technology readiness survey: -executive summary. Retrieved December 2004 from (rockresearrch.com).
Haj Kerimi, abbasali: Azizi, Shahriar: Akhewan kherazian, Meryem.,(2009). Designing a model of the factors affecting the implementation of electronic commerce in SMEs. Danesh and Tosaeh Journal, 16(27),; 10-21.
Hanefizadeh, Peyam; Rezaii, Mehrdad.,(2010). Definitions, Challenges and Solutions Ele tronic Commerce, Termeh Publisher, 3th, Tehran.
Hoseini, Hamid Khodadad; Shirkhodaii, Meisem; Kordnanig, Asedolla.,(2008). Factors affecting customer confidence in electronic commerce (Model B2C). Moders Olom Enasani Joirnal, 13(61): 93-118.
Hosseini, M.; Farahani, A; Termazade Yazdi, M. (2015). Peran e-commerce dalam pemasaran merek olahraga, konferensi internasional ketiga tentang pendidikan jasmani dan ilmu olahraga, Teheran. (Persian).
Jwanmerd, Habibollah: Soltanzadeh, Aliakber.,(2009). Characteristics are Internet and the Web Site and its effect on trust and customer loyalty (Case study: Order of cultural products through the Internet) Paghoheshnameh bazergani, 53: 45-35.
Kazemi, Mehdi; Beridneziif, Yehya., (2011). Perceived justice of service recovery and its impact on consumer confidence in the company's domestic air passenger. Pejhoheshnameh modiriet tehewol, 2(3): 111-123.
Changsu, Tao. Wang, Shin. Namchul and Kim. Ki-Soo (2010). An empirical study of customers’ perceptions of security and trust in e-payment systems, Omega 35 , 22 – 38.
P, (2003)“Marketing Management” prentice –Hall, London, p 340.
Laudon, C., Laudon ,J. P.,(2004). Management Information Systems,eight ed. Prentice-Hall.Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Matthew K. O. and Turban,Efraim (2009). A Trust Model for Consumer Internet Shopping, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 75–91.
Levy Margi . Powell ,Philip (2003). Exploring SME Internet Adoption: Towards a Contingent Model Internet adoption, in both large and small firms (SMEs)" Electronic Markets,vol13, no2, pp173-181.
Lotfi, KH. Askarian, F; Lotfi Yamchi, S. (2015). "Investigasi keterbatasan teknis dan non-teknis e-commerce barang olahraga (studi kasus: provinsi Azerbaijan Timur)". Jurnal manajemen olahraga dan perilaku gerakan, nomor 24, musim gugur dan musim dingin 2015, hlm. 95-106. (Persian).
Marsito, M., & Purnia, D. S. (2022). IMPLEMENTASI RAD PADA E-COMMERCE SEPATU (STUDY KASUS BUANA SPORTS TANGERANG). EVOLUSI: Jurnal Sains dan Manajemen, 10(1). Marsito, M., & Purnia, D. S. (2022). IMPLEMENTASI RAD PADA E-COMMERCE SEPATU (STUDY KASUS BUANA SPORTS TANGERANG). EVOLUSI: Jurnal Sains dan Manajemen, 10(1).
Martin M. I., Maltay H. M., (2001). "Blanket approaches to promoting ICT in small firms: some lessons from the DTI ladder adoption model in the UK" Internet Research,vol11,no 5, pp 399-410.
Martinez-Lopez. Francisco J. and Montoro-Rios. Francisco J.,(2003). Modeling Consumer Trust in Internet Shopping based on the Standard Learning Hierarchy: A Structural Approach. Internet Research, vol11,no 5, pp 399-410.
Parasuraman ,A, (2010). Technology readiness index: a multiple- item scale to measure readiness to embrace new technology .Journal of Service Research 2 (4),307-320.
P.A. (2003). Consumer acceptance of electronic commerce—integrating trust and risk with the technology acceptance model, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 7 (3), pp. 69–103.
Rahimi Zadeh, M. (1400). Strategi dan konsekuensi perdagangan elektronik di industri olahraga Iran, Manajemen Olahraga 13(4), 1071-1091. (Persian).
Rayport j.f and Jaworski, B. j (2001). “Introduction to E-commerce” McGraw Hill,NewYork, pp 4-5.
Rizaldi, A., & Madany, Z. (2021). Impact of E-Commerce in Industry. International Journal of Research and Applied Technology (INJURATECH), 1(2), 283-288.
Rosta, Ahmed; Abulfezli, SaeidAbolfezl; Ghorbani, Hesen.,(2009). The role of non-confidence to avoid infringement of Internet advertising, Information Technology management Journal, 2(1): 67-77.
Saeed, Fethi; Shehryar, Azizi.,(2003). Measurement maturity level of e-commerce internet store of active. Economic and New business, 4(2): 44-61
Senayeei, Ali.,(2007). Electronic Commerce. Jehad Daneshgahi Publisher, 1th, Esfehan.
Senayeei, Ali; Ghaziferd, Amirmerhdi; Sobhan menesh, Firoz.,(2011). Factors affecting the development in technology, radio frequency identification RFID in supply chain management through electronic (E-SCM). New marketing research journal, 1(1): 66-87.
Shafeii, Reza; Shojaeii, Abdolnaser; AllahWeisi, Behareh.,(2010). The role of organizational knowledge management in e-commerce adoption in Iranian companies. 5th International e-commerce Conference, Kish, IRAN.
Syahmoradi, M.; Mirkazemi, A. (1400). Menyelidiki tantangan pengembangan e-commerce dalam olahraga, konferensi internasional pertama ilmu pendidikan, psikologi, ilmu olahraga dan pendidikan jasmani, Surrey, https://civilica.com/doc/1456331 (Persian).
Felix B, Sutherland. PauL(2004). “Online Consumer Trust: A Multi-Dimensional Model” the Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, Vol. 2, No.3,PP:40-58.
Sultan F,L. and W.J. Qualls(2000), “ Placing trust at the center of your Internet strategy” Sloan Management Review, Vol 42, No 1,pp 39– 48
Pauline A. (2003). “Business modeling with UML: the implementation of CRM systems for online retailing", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 10 181–191.
Yu Lai ,Jung .,Shyong Ong , Chorng, (2010). Assessing and managing employees for embracing change: A multiple –item scale to measure employee readiness for e-business., Technovation 30,76-85.
Zahrabi, F; Sabunchi, R.; Foroghipour, H (1400). Model kualitatif e-commerce produk olahraga negara, manajemen komunikasi di media olahraga, 8(3), 50-41. (Persian).