Validation of the model of the antecedents and consequences of the transfer of managers in Mashhad municipality
Subject Areas : Human resource management
saeed bizhani Aval
hamid rezaiefar
mohammad mohammadi
mahdi mahmodzadeh
1 - Department of Public Administration, Human Resource Management, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch, Birjand, Iran
2 - Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch, Birjand, Iran
3 - Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch, Birjand, Iran
4 - Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch, Birjand, Iran
Keywords: urban management, antecedents of managers' turnover, consequences of managers' turnover,
Abstract :
The category of stability and transfer of managers is very effective in achieving the goals and missions of any organization. Therefore,one of the missions of researchers in the field of management is to investigate this issue, therefore, the present research was prepared and compiled with the aim of validating the model of the antecedents and consequences of the transfer of managers in Mashhad municipality. The statistical population was 300 middle and executive managers of Mashhad Municipality, which was estimated to be196 based on Morgan's table. The sampling method is simple random, and the data collection tool is made with the help of a researcher-made questionnaire. To measure the validity of the questionnaire,in addition to face and content validity, confirmatory factor analysis was used and to measure the reliability of the questionnaire,Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used,which was more than0.7 In the data analysis, descriptive statistical methods were used(frequency tables and column charts)and in inferential statistics, Cronbach's alpha test,confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation method have been used to investigate the research questions with the help of spss software and PLS software. The model fit indices also indicated the appropriate quality of the model. At the end,while explaining the various aspects of the antecedents and positive and negative consequences of the transfer of managers,practical suggestions have been presented in these dimensions.