Representation of some ideas of people in the emergence and happiness of Astarabadi based on Jung's theory
Subject Areas : comparative literature
zeynab noroozali
Ahmad khatibi khiyali
aliasgar halabi
1 - PhD student of Persian language and literature, Faculty of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran branch
2 - Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
3 - Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: Conscious and Unconscious, Archetypal Persons, Archetypal Ideas, comparative literature,
Abstract :
One of the theories that is being explored in literary contexts today is Jung's archetypal theory, and one of the topics of this theory is archetypal ideas, which mainly include person, situation and symbols. One of these assumptions is the character that is seen a lot in the butchery of the appearance of Tarshizi and Saadatnameh of Astarabadi, but due to the unknownness of these two works, not enough research has been done on them and many of their valuable angles have been hidden.In this article, by examining this component in the mentioned works, we want to help interpret their verses and answer the questions of how Zohuri and Astarabadi know about the ideas of archetypes and what is the frequency of each idea in Saqiqnameh and Saadatnameh. It seems that despite the lack of knowledge of archeology in the modern sense, emergence and astronomy have a deep and accurate knowledge of archaic ideas and have used them in their works in a special way using the element of imagination. Also, in these two works, the ideas of religious-national figures are superior to other types, and the idea of the seeker is only for the poet who has searched and finally reached mysticism. The result is presented in an analytical-descriptive library method.
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