Integrating visual and environmental elements using fuzzy and multi criteria evaluation methods for aesthetic quality assessment of Gharahsoo watershed, Golestan province
Subject Areas : Geospatial systems development
Fazlollah Ahmadi Mirghaed
Marjan Mohammadzadeh
Abdol-Rasoul Salman Mahini
Seyed Hamed Mirkarimi
1 - PhD. Student of Environmental Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
2 - Assis. Prof. College of Fisheries and Environmental Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
3 - Assoc. Prof. College of Fisheries and Environmental Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
4 - Assis. Prof. College of Fisheries and Environmental Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Keywords: Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP), Landscape, Ftopsis, Visual elements, Aesthetic quality,
Abstract :
The aesthetic value of landscape is considered as one of the most important natural resources created by the interaction of different environmental and visual variables. These values are among the factors that have a large impact on land quality and habitat conditions. This study was implemented with the aim of combining visual and environmental elements of aesthetic quality assessment of Gharahsoo watershed in the southwestern Golestan Province of Iran based on Fuzzy and multi criteria decision making models. First, the evaluation criteria, including various aspects of physical, biological, socio - economic and visual features of the study area were selected based on a literature review and expert’s opinion. Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) method was used for weighting. In the next stage, data analysis was conducted based on a fuzzy technique for order preference by similar to ideal solution (FTOPSIS) method. The weighting results of evaluation criteria showed that the criteria vegetation type, waterfall viewshed, vegetation density, proximity to rivers and naturalness with values 0.206, 0.155, 0.114, 0.114 and 0.076 respectively, are priority to other criteria in the aesthetic quality assessment of the study area. Man-made elements, including urban and rural settlements, roads and power transmission lines have received the lowest priority. Also, the results proved that there are aesthetic quality classes in various types in the study area, including most of the forest landscape in the central and south of the study area, as well as the southeast and west parts.
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