The study of the preferences of parents and pre-school teachers regarding the curriculum of this course
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
sirous asadian
fariba rahimi
1 - Associate Professor Curriculum Development Department of Educational Sciences, Azarbaijan shahid madani university, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - MA in curriculum planning, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Curriculum, Pre-school, Parents' preferences, Teachers' preferences.,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted with the aim of examining the preferences of parents and pre-school teachers regarding the curriculum of this course. The research method was a survey and after examining the preferences of parents and educators of this course, a description and report of their views on the curriculum elements of this course was presented. The statistical population consisted of 2715 fathers and 212 pre-school teachers. The sample size was determined to be 337 for parents and 137 for teachers based on the Cochran formula, selected through multi-stage cluster sampling. The data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. After incorporating the opinions of four education experts regarding the questionnaire, the formal and content validity of the tool was confirmed, and its reliability was also obtained through calculating a coefficient alpha of 0.78. The findings of this research indicated that parents believe that strengthening the positive emotions and feelings of children should be the top priority of the curriculum, while teachers consider preparing students for entry into elementary school as the most important goal of the curriculum of this course. Regarding the content of the curriculum, parents declared play as the most important curriculum content, while teachers prioritized the use of stories and narratives. Both groups emphasized the importance of creating a joyful and emotionally supportive learning environment for this course. Ultimately, it can be concluded that paying attention to the emotional aspect is very important in the design and implementation of the curriculum of this course
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