Comparative Study of Traumatic Childhood Experiences and Tolerance of Ambiguity between Compatible and Incompatible Couples in Tehran
Subject Areas : Health
Somayeh Imani
Afsaneh Sobhi
Kamran Yeganegi
1 - Department of Psychology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
2 - Department of Psychology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
3 - Faculty member of Industrial Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch
Keywords: Marital Adjustment, Traumatic Childhood Experiences, Tolerance of Ambiguity, Compatible and Incompatible Couples,
Abstract :
Marital adjustment is an important factor in family strength. This study was conducted to determine the difference between tolerance of ambiguity and traumatic childhood experiences between compatible and incompatible couples in Tehran. The research method was causal-comparative and the statistical population of the study included all compatible and incompatible couples in Tehran that 30 couples from each group were selected by cluster sampling. Data collection tools included the Lock Wallace Marital Adjustment Questionnaire (LWMAT, 1959), McLean Type II Ambiguity Tolerance Questionnaire (McLean, 2009), and the early traumatic experiences (Boglas & Breimner, 2011). Descriptive statics tables as well as of independent two groups t-test and Multivariable Analyze of Variance (MANOVA) with SPSS software 24 version were used to analyze the data. The results showed that there is a significant difference between compatible and incompatible couples in tolerating ambiguity (p <0.05). Compatible couples had higher ambiguity tolerance than incompatible couples and in the case of childhood traumatic experiences, the score of the compatible couples group was lower than that of the incompatible couples (p <0.05). Finally, it can be concluded that low tolerance of ambiguity and high number of traumatic childhood experiences have an effect on aggravating couple incompatibility.
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