Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE) Role in Predicting Dimensions of Creativity in Students
Subject Areas : Educational
azam Bayanlou
Reza Jafariharandi
1 - Psychology, Department of psychology,
Shahabdanesh University, Qom, Iran
2 - Associate Professor in Educational Sciences Department, Literature & Human Sciences Faculty, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Students, Fear of Negative Evaluation, Creativity,
Abstract :
This study aim was to investigate FNE role in predicting dimensions of creativity in students that was conducted with descriptive-correlation method. The study population consisted of all students of Pardis Farabi, Industrial university of Qom and Qom Universities in the academic years of 2018-2019. Total sample size consists of 200 undergraduate students (100 male & 100 Female) were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. Instruments were used: Abedi's creativity test (1993) and the Fear of negative evaluation scale (FNE; Watson & Friend, 1969). Data were analyzed by SPSS24 software using t-test for comparison of independent groups and linear regression. According to the results, there was no significant difference in total creativity score between male and female, but there were significant differences in the FNE scale(p= 0/0). Linear regression analysis showed that %64 of the creativity in the female’s group was predictable through the FNE. But, in the male’s group, this prediction was significant only in their flexibility score (p=0.01). As a result, fear of negative evaluation by others can greatly affect creativity. Therefore, Culture of Communities has an impact on fear of negative evaluation of individuals and suggested to provide a supportive and non-judgmental context for the emergence of creativity in individuals, especially women.
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