The Effect of Family Functioning on the Incidence of Delinquency in adolescents in Tehran Correctional Center
Subject Areas : Educational
Armindokht Ahamdi
Seyed Mehdi Saberi
Said pournaghash tehrani
Ali Akbar Arjmandnia
1 - Sycholoty and education of exceptional children, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Faculty of Psychology and Education, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Psychology and education of exceptional children, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Delinquency, adolescents, family functioning,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of family functioning on delinquency in delinquent adolescents in Tehran Correctional and Rehabilitation Center. This is a descriptive and correlational study. Statistic society included delinquent adolescents who were in the Correctional Center. Of 300 adolescents who had stayed in correctional center in 1396, there were175 adolescents who had at least two times referred to correctional center. They were being selected and assessed as the study group. Mc -Master Family Assessment Questionnaire (Epstein, Baldwin & Bishop, 1983) was been used to measure the family function and the Multidimensional Delinquency Scale of Adolescents and Youth Corporations (Sahami, 1396) to measure delinquency in the study. The results showed that family function explained 56 percent of variance of delinquency. Lack of emotional companionship with beta 12, failure to resolve the problem with beta 9.05, lack of control behavior with beta 7.7, lack of emotional integrity with beta 6.8, lack of communication with beta 3.6, and failure to handle correct roles with beta 2.8 are Suitable predictors for delinquency.
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