The Study of Psychological Perseveranceand Progression Motivation with VocationalWeariness among the Employees of the SixthDistrict of Islamic Azad University
Subject Areas : Educationalمحمد حسین پور 1 , میرصلاح الدین عنایتی 2 , کریمی 3 , غلامرضا بهنیا 4 , ماریا نصیری 5
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Keywords: motivation, progression, Psychological, Vocational Weariness, perseverance,
Abstract :
Abstract This research studied the psychological perseverance and progression motivation with vocational weariness among the employees of the Sixth district of Islamic Azad university in Khoozestan province. Therefore, based on Stratified random sampling, employees were selected ( male and female) among those who were non-faculty members but employed in different Islamic Azad universities of this district. Research instruments compromised: Psychological perseverance test of Ahvaz. Geslie's self-discription questionnaire. Moslech' svocational weariness scale. Validity and reliability of coefficients of research instruments were significantly meaningful. Data were analyzed through Pearson correlation analysis, multivariable regression analysis and MONOVA. The results revealed that there was a negative relationship between psychological perseverance and progression motivation with vocational weariness in (P < ). There were not meaningful relationship between variance of gender, marital status, job experience, profetional status and the kind of university.