Structural Model of the Relationship of Psycho- O.rganizational Pathology with Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Mental health by Considering the Mediating Role of Work Perfectionism in Teachers
Subject Areas : Educationalفلور خیاطان 1 , حسن احدی 2 , منوچهر کامکار 3 , غلامرضا نفیسی 4
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Keywords: Psycho- organizational pathology, Job perfectionism, Job satisfaction, mental health, Job Stress,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to study the relationship of psycho- organizational pathology with job stress, job satisfaction, and mental health by considering the mediating role of job perfectionism. The research method was correlational and the statistical population were 2400 Isfahan city guidance teachers in 2011-2012 from whom were selected a group of 331(183 women and 148 men by random, multistage method. Tools used to measure the study variables were as follow 1. Psycho- Organizational Pathology Inventory (Kamkar et al.2006), 2. Multidimensional Job perfectionism Scale (Hewitt and aflett, 1989), 3. Mental health Inventory (Goldberg & Williams,1988). 4. Job Descriptive Index (Smith et al. 1969), and 5. Job Stress Inventory (Osipow,1987). The data were analyzed via correlation analysis (by spss- 19 software) and structural studies of path analysis (by AMOS- 18softwaer).According to the results, the psycho- pathology organization has direct relationship with role boundary , job satisfaction , mental health, and role responsibility also , the role boundary has direct relationships with self –oriented perfectionism and job satisfaction. Also, there were direct relationships between perfectionism and role responsibility, role responsibility and mental health, as well as health and job satisfaction. The research final model of fitness indices indicated that the model was convenient.