Predicting Conflict Resolution Styles based on Individualism-Collectivism among Married Students of Isfahan Payam Nour University
Subject Areas : Educational
somayeh pourmeidani
mehrdad dashti
zahra habibi
1 - دانشجوی دکتری روانشناسی، دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز، اهواز، ایران
2 - کارشناسی ارشد روانشناسی، مؤسسه آموزش عالی غیرانتفاعی امین، ایران
3 - کارشناسی روانشناسی، مؤسسه آموزش عالی غیرانتفاعی امین، ایران
Keywords: conflict resolution styles, individualism-collectivism, married university students,
Abstract :
This research was conducted to predict conflict resolution styles with individualism-collectivism among married students of Isfahan Payam Nour University. The method of was predictive and correlational. The population consisted of married students of Isfahan Payam Nour University in 2013-2014. From the population, 150 students were sampled randomly based on Morgan table. The participants completed Conflict Resolution Styles Questionnaire (Rahim, 1983) and Individualism-Collectivism Questionnaire (Triandis & etc, 1988). The data were analyzed by regression coefficient and Pearson correlation. The results showed that horizontal collectivism style can predict integration style (P<0.01). Also, horizontal and vertical individualism can be the dominant style (P<0.01) and horizontal individualism and vertical collectivism can be the avoidant style (P<0.05).
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