The effect of metacognitive beliefs, emotional schemas, and parental bonding on sensory processing sensitivity
Subject Areas : EducationalBehnaz Kamali 1 , Ali Reza Agha Yosefi 2 , hasan mirzahoseini 3
1 - Psychology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Payame-Noor, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: sensory processing sensitivity, Metacognitive beliefs, parental bonding, emotional schemas,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of metacognitive-beliefs, emotional-schemas and parental-bonding in vulnerability to sensory processing sensitivity in the nonclinical population of Tehran. The research method in this study was correlational and type of path analysis studies. The statistical population consisted of all citizens over 16 years old in Tehran during winter and spring of 2018. 401 people were selected by available sampling method. After explaining the aim of the research, they were filled out Aron’s Highly Sensitive Person Scale (1997), Leahy’s Emotional Schemas Scale (2002), Wells’s Metacognition Questionnaire (1997) and Parker’s Parental Bonding Instrument (1979). Data were analyzed using SPSS-20 and LISREL. The results of path analysis indicated that the proposed model fitted well with the data. The highest path coefficients were related to emotional schemas (0.40), followed by Parental bonding (0.29) and metacognitive beliefs (0.25) respectively affecting sensory processing sensitivity. The indirect effect of emotional schemas through Parental-bonding (0.20) and metacognition through Parental-bonding (-0.13) was also significant. According to the results, metacognitive-beliefs and emotional-schemas are directly and indirectly affect the sensory processing sensitivity; therefore, metacognitive and emotional schemas therapy can be used to design the preventive programs and appropriate therapeutic interventions for this group.
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