Renewal music for Ibrahim Naji
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Associate professor, dept. pf, Islamic Azad university, Jiroft Branch, Iran.
Keywords: موسیقی, music, التجدید, الشعر, الرومانسیة, جماعة آبولو, إبراهیم ناجی, Group Apollo, romance, Renewal, Hair, Ibrahim Naji,
Abstract :
Considered Ibrahim Naji from Rowe Ed renewal and Media contemporary Arabic poetry and the mode of the contract between the Poets Egyptian Glory Dean, who Tat By Poets of the modern era . Renewal has going on in different angles, some T. New in the music and poetry in his imagination, but in the And Methods . This research tries in the subject Renewal Music when the poet's glory D On the road to the investigation and characterization and analysis . From the results of this research felt like Naji Balmoshat Andalusian poet and use the weights also is used instead of the house chopped . Depends on the survivor in his hair of characters that help to highlight the word that fits the atmosphere of psychological meaning . That «Nagy» remade in the music of poetry and imagination, but in words and ideas and ....
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