The Study of Elements of Modernism in Asghar Elahi’s Novel Salmargi
Subject Areas : Fiction (with literary and artistic features)
Rana Jamshidbeigi
Abdolali Oveisikahkha
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran.
Keywords: Salmargi, Asghar Elahi, modernism, Element of Modernism, Modern Iranian Novel,
Abstract :
Modernism was a literary and artistic reaction to modernity and the resulting changes. It was greatly influenced by new sciences such as psychology that emerged in the late nineteenth century and had a profound effect on the novel, which is one of the most important literary genres, which led to the creation of the modern novel. The modern novel operates differently from the classic novel; In this way, it deals with human beings and their psycho more than anything else, and its authors use new techniques in their works to express their goals, which did not exist in the classic novel. Some Iranian writers have modeled on modern world literature and written valuable works based on the components of this trend. In this research, the author uses the library resources in a descriptive-analytical way to study the components of modernism in Asghar Elahi's novel Salmargi to help introduce modernism and its features more fully and to be one of the most valuable Iranian novels that can serve as a model for authors. The authors aim at introducing the novel as a model for those interested in Iranian novels and scholars of this current and modern Iranian literature. The findings of this study show that Elahi has masterfully used some of the most important components of modernism such as psychological knowledge, dealing with the mind and psyche of characters, fluid stream of consciousness, recreating myths, anti-heroes, multiple narrators, ambiguity, identity, escalation and anti-idealism in his novel. He has created an admirable modernist work.
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