Investigating the Barriers to Promoting the Academic Rank of Women Academic Membership in Public Universities
Subject Areas :
javad sadeqi jafari
fateme malekloo
1 - Media Management, Faculty of Culture and Communication, Soore University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Khatam University
Keywords: Family Barriers, Promotion Regulations, Female Faculty Members, Scientific rank promotion, Organizational barriers,
Abstract :
The purpose of this article is to investigate the obstacles to obtaining the necessary points to promote the academic rank of women faculty members in the framework of the "Regulations for the promotion of the academic rank of faculty members." The research method is descriptive survey and the data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire with 30 items. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. This coefficient was obtained as 0.91 for the whole scale. The statistical sample includes 71 women faculty members of state universities. For this purpose, 6 main universities were selected and by collecting the email address of the target community, an online questionnaire was sent in Google Form and data was collected. Data analysis showed that female academics placed the challenges of obtaining "executive activities" points in the first rank and the "research activities" points in the second rank. The challenges of earning points in the "cultural" and "educational" duties of the faculty member are of third importance. On the other hand, the two variables "family issues" and "organizational issues" at the same level, prevent the necessary points from obtaining the necessary points of the four axes of the bylaw, and with a large distance from these two variables, there are "individual and personality" factors of women. In this article, it is concluded that women with real obstacles due to engaging in family roles and mainly cultural characteristics of the university organization in an unequal competition with men in order to obtain the necessary points provided in the promotion regulations.
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