A Study on Critical Realism Manifestation in Resistance Poetries by Majid Al-Barghouthi
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Katayoun Fallahi
Masoud Bavan Pouri
Parvin Khalili
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch
2 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Shahid Madani University, Azerbaijan
3 - Post Graduate, Arabic Language & Literature, Ilam University
Keywords: فلسطین, Palestine, Zionist Regime, Critical realism, الکیان الصهیونی, الواقعیة الإنتقادیة, مجید البرغوثی, Majid Al-Barghouthi,
Abstract :
Realism is in fact the real life drama of human society and surveying the existing facts and issues. In the present world, most of poets and authors of realism – critical school have studied colonialist countries such as the United States and Zionist Regime to express their despoilment which caused to create valuable artistic and literary works. The mentioned issue became more remarkable in Arabic contemporary literature after Palestine concern and has affected many contemporary poets. One of those contemporary poets was Majid Al-Barghouthi who was familiar with western language and culture and critical realism manifests in his works notably. He was fan of Islamic nation and government which were oppressed by the United States and Zionist Regime. The present paper intends to study the manifestation of social – critical realism in resistance poetry with descriptive – analytical method. The results show that he surveyed the political, historical, social and cultural aspects of Palestine's poverty, prisoners and homeless' pain and suffer.
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