Application of Narration Elements in Al Atlal Ode by Ibrahim Naji
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesKamal Dehqani Ashkezari 1 , Ezzat Molla Ibrahimi 2
1 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Tehran University
2 - Associate Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Tehran University
Keywords: character, السرد, Narration, إبراهیم ناجی, Ibrahim Naji, الشخصیة, pattern, الخطة, قصیدة الأطلال, المشهد, Al Atlal Ode, scene,
Abstract :
Narration is one of the tools for human and a method in which the narrator chooses a story events; it could be found in poetries during the history and that's why poem is known as one of the techniques which enjoys narration while telling stories. The present research studies the most important elements of narration in Al Atlal Ode by Ibrahim Naji which are: scene (time & place), character and plan. The poet composes the mentioned ode after failure in love and marriage and unwraps his sufferings and grief. It also seeks to clarify narration's structure in the abovementioned ode by analytical – descriptive method. One of the most important results of this study is the division of an ode into parts in order to simplify the poets' concerns. Referring past and escaping to future is remarkable in this ode and the reason is accompanying the reader to express the past or future events.
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