Historical Analysis of Two Comprehensive Sources of Qur'anic Science of the Ninth Century; "Basaaer Firouzabadi and Al-Taysir Kafiji"
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
najmeh najm
Mehdi Mehrizi
mohammad ali mahdavirad
1 - Ph.D. student of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
2 - , Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences , Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran
Keywords: Al-Taysir, Basaaer, historical analysis, 9th Century, sources of Quranic sciences,
Abstract :
For the scholarly ontology of the sources of the Qur'anic sciences, there is no regular writing that illustrates the factors that influence the development and writing of important sources of the Qur'anic sciences with historical analysis for scholars in the field. The present study is a historical analysis of 9th-century Qur'anic Comprehensive Science Resources that provides qualitative research with analytical data on the influence of "Basaaer Firouzabadi and Al-Taysir Kafiji" and "the relationship between these two books with its contemporary companion books; "Mavaghe al-Oloom of the Bolgheini " and "Fazaael al-Quran of the Asghalani " have been addressed to specialized audiences of the Qur'an. Basaaer has had a remarkable impact on the comprehensive discussions of the Qur'anic sciences, considering the scientific, cultural and political circumstances of that day. Fazaael al-Quran is lower than Basra in terms of function, structure and content. Mavaghe al-Oloom is less influential than the book of Basaaer, and has had a declining influence on the sciences of the Qur'an in the 9th century. Kafiji's pride in the book of Al-Taiser, and on the other hand, the modesty of this book by Souoti, is moderate. These results help to understand the flow of science (Quranic sciences) and complement the quantitative and qualitative knowledge and insights of scholars on the "history of Quranic science resources".
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