Evaluation the effects kind and amount of raw materials and preparing methods of compost on decomposition rate and compost quality
Subject Areas :
Mohiaddin Goosheh
abolfazl azadi
Fatemeh Meskini-Vishkaee
1 - Soil and Water Research Department, Khuzestan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Ahvaz, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Soil and Water Research Department, Khuzestan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Ahvaz, Iran.
3 - Soil and Water Research Department, Khuzestan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Ahvaz, Iran.
Received: 2020-10-18
Accepted : 2021-10-26
Published : 2021-12-22
agricultural wastage,
composting method,
Abstract :
Background and objective: Baggass of sugarcane and wheat straw are the most available material for composting in Khuzestan province. Baggass has the self-inflammable property. This baggass property is a source of environmental pollution. It is important that a method is introduced to proper baggass compost as fast as possible in order to make it to a usefull and safe production. Therefore, this study was conducted to compare the quality of compost from two types of plant residues bagasse and wheat and their consumption and also to minimize the time period of compost preparation using different methods.
Material and Methodology: for this purpose, a trail was carried out in a factorial CRB design at three replications during two years in Shavoor (Khuzestan) Agricultural Research Station. In this experiment, preparing duration and compost quality were investigated in two kinds (wheat straw and baggass of sugarcane) and two amounts (20 and 40%) of raw materials and the three preparing methods (Traditional, Rapid, and Bio-enriched).
Findings: Results showed that the bio-enriched method was the fastest method to propering in comparison with the others (2 months vs. 4 months). And the best composition also is 40% baggass, 50% filtercack of sugarcane and 10% cow manure.
Discussion and Conclusion: Therefore, it is recommended to use wheat straw or sugarcane bagasse to prepare compost and the enriched method, ie using Trichoderma and Azotobacter bacteria. It is better to use a combination of 40% straw or bagasse, 40% sugarcane filter cake, less than 20% cow manure and the rest of sheep manure or poultry manure. Conversion of sugarcane bagasse prevents the self-igniting dangers of this substance in the depot and as a result of the resulting environmental pollution.
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Pathak, A. K., Singh, M. M., Kumara, V., Arya, S., & Trivedi, A. K. 2012. Assessment of physico-chemical properties and microbial community during composting of municipal solid waste (Viz. KItchen waste) at Jhansi City, UP (India). Recent Research in Science and Technology. 4: 10-14.
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Abbasi, M. K., Musa, N., & Manzoor, M. 2015. Mineralization of soluble P fertilizers and insoluble rock phosphate in response to phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and poultry manure and their effect on the growth and P utilization efficiency of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.). Biogeosciences, 12(15), 4607.
Izady, N & Hayati, D. 2013.Waste reduction promotes a future approach. Agricultural and Natural Resources Engineering , 10(39), 24-30.
Peña, H., Mendoza, H., Diánez, F., & Santos, M. 2020. Parameter Selection for the Evaluation of Compost Quality. Agronomy, 10(10), 1567.
Urestarazu, M., Salas, M.C., Padila, M.I., Moreno, J, Elorrieta, M.A. and Carasco, G.A. 2002. Evaluation of different composts from horticultural crop residue and their uses in greenhouse soilless cropping. Acta Horticulturae, 549: 147-152.
Adams, J.D.W., and Frostick, L.E. 2007. Investigation microbial activities in compost using mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) cultivation as an experimental system. University of Hull. Journal of Bioresource Technology 99: 1097-
Rivero, C., Chirenje, T., Ma, L. Q., & Martinez, G. 2004. Influence of compost on soil organic matter quality under tropical conditions. Geoderma, 123(3-4), 355-361.
Malakouti, M. J. 2005.Sustainable agriculture and increasing yield by optimizing fertilizer consumption in Iran Ministry of Agriculture. Tehran.
Hemayati, S., Hamdi, H., Taleghani, D., & Amili, H. 2011. National strategic plan of sugarcane research. Sugar beet Seed Institute (SBSI) and Sugarcane and byproducts Research, Education and Development Institute. (In Persian)
Rezende, C. A., de Lima, M. A., Maziero, P., deAzevedo, E. R., Garcia, W., & Polikarpov, I. 2011. Chemical and morphological characterization of sugarcane bagasse submitted to a delignification process for enhanced enzymatic digestibility. Biotechnology for biofuels, 4(1), 54.
Sharma, K.S. 2005. A Handbook of Organic Farming. New Delhi: Aliobe publication.
Cuevas,V.C. and Espiritu, B. 2005. 10 steps in compost production. Farming Tips - Techno guides. Philippines.
Radmehr, S .2002. Preparation of live organic fertilizer from the wastes of Haft Tappeh sugarcane sugar factory. Master Thesis. Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch. Ahwaz
Taherzadeh, M .1995. Detailed Soil survey of Shavar Soil and Water Research Station. Tehran: Soil and Water Research Institute Publications. Technical Journal No. 651.
Wu L, Ma LQ, Martinez GA .2001. Comparison of methods for evaluating stability and maturity of biosolids compost. J. Environ. Qual. 29: 424-429.
Tiquia SM. 2005. Microbiological parameters as indicators of compost maturity. J. Appl. Microbiol. 99: 816-828.
Nishanth D, Biswas DR .2008. Kinetics of phosphorus and potassium release from rock phosphate and waste mica enriched compost and their effect on yield and nutrient uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum). Bioresour. Technol. 99: 3342- 3353.
Chang, J. I., & Hsu, T. E. 2008. Effects of compositions on food waste composting. Bioresource technology, 99(17), 8068-8074.
Ghaffari, S., Sepahi, A. A., Razavi, M. R., Malekzadeh, F., & Haydarian, H. 2011. Effectiveness of inoculation with isolated Anoxybacillus sp. MGA110 on municipal solid waste composting process. African journal of microbiology research, 5(30), 5373-5378.
Sarkamarian, F., Salehi Jouzani, G., Moradi, F. 2015. Fast production of enriched biocompost from sugarcane baggase using biotechnological process. Crop Biotechnology, 5(9), 49-64.
Pathak, A. K., Singh, M. M., Kumara, V., Arya, S., & Trivedi, A. K. 2012. Assessment of physico-chemical properties and microbial community during composting of municipal solid waste (Viz. KItchen waste) at Jhansi City, UP (India). Recent Research in Science and Technology. 4: 10-14.
Jeong, S., Moon, H. S., Nam, K., Kim, J. Y., & Kim, T. S. 2012. Application of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria for enhancing bioavailability and phytoextraction of cadmium (Cd) from polluted soil. Chemosphere, 88(2), 204-210.
Abbasi, M. K., Musa, N., & Manzoor, M. 2015. Mineralization of soluble P fertilizers and insoluble rock phosphate in response to phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and poultry manure and their effect on the growth and P utilization efficiency of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.). Biogeosciences, 12(15), 4607.