Prioritization of the factors effective on urban development and zonation using Ecological and Information Value and Correlation Models (A case study in Mazandaran Province)
Subject Areas : Urban Environment
eisa jokar sarhangi
Mohmmadali Zangeneh Asadi
1 - Associate Professor of Geomorphology, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Associate Professor of Geomorphology, University of Hakim Sabzevari, Sabzevar, Iran
Keywords: Correlation, Mazandaran, information value, model of ecological, Urban development,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: It is important to determine the ecological capacity of zones for appropriate location of urban places. In zonation these are different factor. The study attempts prioritize these factors and to develop the zonation map of the province of Mazandaran using models of ecological urban development, information value and correlation. Method: At first, effective ecological factors in determining appropriate zonation for urban development in the form of information layers were developed in Arc GIS environment the urban development ecological model was used for determining range of each class. However for calculating the weight of classes in each factor model of information value was used through comparing areas of cities in each class with the whole area. The weight of factors effective on zonation was calculated using the appropriate weight for each layer and implementing the above mentioned models. Findings: Results show that elevation of 0-400 and 1200-1800 meters, slope of 0-6 percents, the northern direction, quaternary fluvial, precipitation of less than 500 and higher 800 millimeters, wet of less than 60 percents and vegetation density of 30 -60 percents are appropriate for urban development. Discussion and Conclusion: factors of soil, lithology, elevation, slope, vegetation, wet, rain and aspect received the highest to the lowest priority in location of urban areas and obtaining zonation map respectively. Evaluation of the models indicated the information value is of a higher accuracy.
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- Esfandiari, Fariba., Jeddi, Soghra., Mahbub, Reyhan., 2013. Study of natural and human constraints for the Skeletal-physical development of cities in Germi town using GIS, The Journal of Geography and Urban Development, Volume 3, Issue 6, pp. 85-96. (In Persian)
- Sarvar, Houshang., Kheyrizadeh Arrow, Mansour., Lalehpour, Manijeh., 1393. The role of environmental factors in feasibility study of optimal physical development of Malekan city, Journal of Urban Research and Planning, Volume: 5, Issue 18, pp. 95-114. (In Persian)
- Annamoradnejad, Rahim Berdi., 2014. Principles of planning for human settlements, University of Mazandaran Press, 254 p. (In Persian)
- Jokar Sarhanghi, Eisa., Jabbari, Hosein., 2015. The Evaluation of Ecological Potential of the West Azerbaijan Province to Determine Susceptible Urban Development Using Fuzzy Logic, Volume 19, Issue 51, pp.81-105. (In Persian)
- Mnouri, Seyyed Msoud., Tabibian, Sahar, 2006. Determination of environmental factors in the location of new cities in Iran, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp.1-10. (In Persian)
- Shi, C., Hutchinson, S.M., and Xu, S., 2004. Evaluation of coastal zone sustainability: An integrated approach applied in Shanghai Municipality and Chong Ming Island, Environmental management 71(4), pp. 335-344.
- Amino, M., 2007. A Geographic Information System (GIS) and MultiCriteria Analysis for Sustainable Tourism Planning, A project submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Planning-Information Technology), Faculty of Built Environment, University Technology Malaysia, 165 p.
- Shirani Kourosh , Chavoush Boroujani Sattar , Ghayumyan Jafar., 2006, Surveying and assessing landslide risk zoning methods in the semen substrate, Journal of Research in Basic Sciences, University of Isfahan, Volume 23 , Issue 1, pp.23-38. (In Persian)
- Moradi, Hamid Reza., Mohammadi, Majid., Pourghasemi, Hamid Reza., (2016), Mass Movements with Emphasis to Landslide Occur Analysis by Quantitative Methods, SAMT, 209 p. (In Persian)
- Nasr Azadani, Ahmad., Ghazifard, Akbar., Shirani, Cyrus., Safaee, Homayoun., 2013. Evaluation of Landslide Two-Dimensional Zoning Models Using GIS in Daz Aliyah Basin, jigit, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 65-80. (In Persian)
- Shabani, Ebad., Javadi, Mohammad Reza., Zare Hazimgolba Maryam., 2014. Landslide hazard zonation using information value and hierarchical analysis methods (Case study: Shalmanrood watershed), Journal of Management of Watershed, Volume 5, Issue 10, pp. 157-169. (In Persian)
- Jade, S., 1993. Statistical models for slope instability classification, Engineering Geology, 36, pp. 91-98.
- Khullar, V. K., Sharman, R. P., Parmanik, K., 2000. GIS Approach in the landslide Zone of Lawngthlia in Southern Mizoran. Landslide: Proceeding of The 8 International Symposium on Landslide, Vol. 3, pp. 1461 – 1472.
- Vakhshoori, V., Zare, M., 2016. Landslide susceptibility mapping by comparing weight of evidence, fuzzy logic, and frequency ratio methods, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Vol. 7, NO. 5, pp. 1731-1752.
- Makhdoum, Majid., 2011. Fundamental of Land use Planning, University of Tehran Press, 289 p. (In Persian)