An Analysis of the Feasibility of Urban Land Use in Comprehensive plans of small cities (Case Study of Asgaran City)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
Mehdi Ebrahimi Boozani
reza mokhtary
Naser Karimi
1 - Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - 2.Associate Professor of Natural Geography, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Master student of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University
Keywords: Feasibility, land use, comprehensive plan, Small City, Asgaran city,
Abstract :
Introduction and purpose of the research :The most important issue in the process of preparing and implementing urban development plans is the issue of their feasibility, and if these plans are implemented in the prescribed manner, public benefits and facilities will be provided and many urban problems will be resolved.. However, there are very few studies that show the feasibility of these projects in small towns.For this reason, in this article, the master plan of Askran city of Isfahan province with the level of small-scale cities has been studied.Research method: The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature and its data is based on documentary sources and field observation.Findings:The results show that the average percentage of feasibility of the proposed population of the comprehensive plan of Asgaran city is equal to 60.84%, which can be selected as the average feasibility of land uses. Accordingly, the feasibility of administrative and disciplinary uses, residential, educational, historical heritage and urban facilities above average, and the feasibility of other land uses have been below average.Among these uses, two commercial-service uses and park and green space had less than ten percent feasibility and recreational-tourism use, protective and therapeutic green space had zero and even negative feasibility. Thus, it can be said that the feasibility of land use proposed by the Asgaran Master Plan has been very low.Conclusions: Asgaran city master plan, like all comprehensive plans prepared with a traditional model, has little feasibility and with most of the weaknesses and bottlenecks of this model, including the separation of the design process from the implementation stage, definite planning and user location Followed by little flexibility and non-adaptation to changing spatio-temporal conditions, disregard for the financial and administrative resources of the municipality, stereotyping of the plan, disregard for the interests and needs of stakeholders, disregard for macroeconomic and political factors And social, ignorance of land ownership, and so on.