Provide the Effect of Social Networks on Creating Sports Businesses in Metrocity
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
seyed maryam naghib hoseini
seyed emad hoseini
farshad emami
1 - PHD Student of Sports Management, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
2 - Management of physical education and sports sciences, shahid beheshti University, tehran
3 - Department of Sports Management, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amoly, Iran
Keywords: Social Networks, Business, sports,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing social networks on the creation of sports businesses and providing a paradigm model.The present study was based on the purpose of the type of fundamental research and was conducted according to exploratory information and using the foundation theory method. The data collection tool was a deep semi-structured interview. The statistical population includes experts, professors, managers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and sports consultants, and the targeted sampling method with snowball technique. The collected data were analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding, and the final pattern was extracted.The final model of the total causal conditions (24 concepts and 2 categories), substrates and fields (37 concepts and 3 categories), strategies (21 concepts and 4 categories), intervention (11 concepts and 2 categories), and implications (13 the concept and 2 categories of social networks are formed on creating sports businesses. The Kappa Cohen method was used to measure reliability and quality control. The coefficient of kappa is calculated equal to 776/0, which is at a valid agreement level. In order to establish and set up business in sports, providing infrastructure and appropriate social networking conditions can be an effective way to mobilize business space in the country's sports.
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